Hemos recopilado todas las letras de canciones de Arabesque que hemos podido para que quienes, como tú, buscan canciones de Arabesque, las encuentren agrupadas en un solo lugar.
- Indio Boy
- A Flash In The Pan
- A New Sensation
- Angel Face
- Bellyache
- Billy's Barbeque
- Black It Out
- Born To Reggae
- Buggy Boy
- Bye Bye My Love
- Bye Bye Superman
- Caballero
- Catch Me Tiger
- City Cats
- Dance, Dance, Dance
- Dancing In The Fire Of Love
- Discover Me
- Don't Fall Away From Me
- Don't Kiss A Crocodile
- Don't Wait For A Sailor
- Dreamin'
- Ecstasy
- Fly High Little Butterfly
- Fool's Paradise
- For Your Smile
- Friday Night
- Give It Up
- Heart On Fire
- Hell Driver
- Hello Mr. Monkey
- Hey What A Magic Night
- Hey, Catch On
- Hi Hi Highway
- High Life
- Hit The Jackpot
- I Don't Wanna Have Breakfast With You
- I Stand By You
- In For a Penny, In For A Pound
- In The Heat Of A Disco Night
- It's So Hard To Leave You
- Jingle Jangle Joe
- Keep The Wolf From The Door
- Ladies First
- Let's Make A Night Of It
- Like A Shot In The Dark
- Look Alive
- Loser Pays The Piper
- Love Is Just A Game
- Love's Like A Symphony
- Lucifer's Lover
- Make Love Whenever You Can
- Marigot Bay
- Midnight Dancer
- Moorea
- Nights In The Harbour
- Once a Blue Moom
- Pack It Up
- Parties in Penthouse
- Peppermint Jack
- Plastic Heart
- Prison Of Love
- Rainy Love Affair
- Rock Me After Midnight
- Roller Star
- Run The Show
- Six Times A Day
- Someone Is Waiting For You
- Squaw
- Stop Crying For The Moon
- Stupid Boys
- Stupid Boys
- Sunrise In Your Eyes
- Sunset In New York
- Surfing Bahama
- Take Me, Don't Break Me
- Tall Story Teller
- The Doctor Likes Music
- The End Of The Show
- The Hero Of My Life
- The Man With The Gun
- The Only Night Was a Lonly Night
- The Rebels Of The Bounty
- The Smile Of A Clown
- Time To Say "Good Bye"
- Touch And Go
- Tropical Summernight
- Why Do You Ride The High Horse
- Why No Reply
- You Better Get A Move On
- You Win, Hands Down
- Young Fingers Get Burnt
- Zanzibar
Arabesque (Arabesco) es una película de 1966, dirigida por Stanley Donen y protagonizada por Gregory Peck y Sophia Loren. Escrita por Mitchell Juliano, Stanley Price y Peter Stone, está basada en Cypher, una novela de Alex Gordon de 1961. Se la considera como una versión psicodélica de Charada (1963) y es descrita como hitchcockiana, ya que su protagonista es un hombre inocente empujado a situaciones peligrosas y extraordinarias.
Arabesco se rodó en Technicolor y Panavision y fue distribuida por Universal Pictures.
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