¿Las canciones de Austin Wintory te encantan? Aquí encontrarás las letras de las canciones de Austin Wintory para que puedas cantarlas a todo pulmón, versionarlas o simplemente saber bien lo que dicen.
Encuentra aquí las letras de tus canciones favoritas de Austin Wintory.
¿Ves la canción que te gusta en esta lista de canciones de Austin Wintory?
Aquí podrás conocer cuáles son las canciones de Austin Wintory más buscadas.
- Prison Life
- A Ballet Of Blades
- A Blacksmith's Apprentice
- A Chill That Infests The Bones
- A Dangerous Game
- A Gauntlet Scherzo
- A Glimmer Of Hope
- A History Of Steve
- A Lady Of The Night
- A Land, Which Was Not My Owm
- A Long Walk Stills Our Hearts
- A Night In The Box
- A Path Through The Skies
- A Shroud Over The World
- A Sunken City
- Accident
- Ages Of Athiria
- Alone
- An Apple For Eve
- An Empire Of Stone And Steel
- An Empty Monastery
- An Oath, Until The End
- An Unblinking Eye
- An Uncertain Path
- An Unexpected Evening's End
- And The Earth Did Not Yet Bear A Name
- Apotheosis
- Arandaspis Prionotolepis
- Architeuthis
- Aria For Delphi
- Atonement
- Bath Time
- Beautiful Pink Shirt
- Below The Stars, Above The Lights
- Bill Bob
- Blades Yearn For Courageous Blood
- Bloodlines
- Bloody Presto Con Brio
- Bound In Stone
- Breast Feeding
- Broken Shells
- Brothers
- Bus Flight
- Cabs
- Can't Resist (feat. Laura Vall)
- Caranx Ignobilis
- Casino De Monte Carlo
- Catch And Release
- Cathedrals Of Steel
- Centre Hospitalier
- Cernos
- Channel Surfing
- Chaos, The Mother
- Chapter 1: The Underground Man
- Chapter 2: Nastenka
- Chapter 3: First Date
- Chapter 4: Sister Sarah
- Chapter 5: Letters From Africa
- Chapter 6: The Return Of Steve
- Chapter 7: New Beginnings
- Children Of The Fallen
- Cigarettes
- Conception
- Confluence
- Cruising The City Of Lost Wages
- Curious Eddy
- Cut With A Keen-Edged Sword
- Cuthbert
- Dance Under The Winter Sky
- Danza Alla Daggers
- Darling, What A Night
- Death Is Now A Welcome Guest
- Deep Into The Rocks
- Delphinus Delphis
- Descended From Fire
- Descent
- Desert Walk
- Desperation
- Destruction's Our Delight
- Devout Faith
- Diamonds In The Rough
- Discothéque Rouge
- Do You Not See That This World Is Broken?
- Dr. Sohn
- Dragons In The Mud
- Dutch Hines
- Echoes Of The Pathfinder
- Eddy The Angler
- Elasmosaurus Platyurus
- Elusive Eddy
- Embers In The Wind
- End Tiltes
- Even The Trees Can Smell Your Blood
- Everyone Has A Price
- Execution
- Faces To The Wind
- False Teeth
- Family
- Feasting On A Lord
- Fifth Confluence
- Final Confluence
- Fire Escape Waltz
- First Confluence
- Fishing Abe
- For Those We Loved
- Foreign Affairs
- Fourth Confluence
- From The Antlers
- From The Shouting Rocks, His Eyes Finally Opened
- From The Table To The Axe
- Furious Filaments
- Gateway
- Give Me The Cure
- Go And Take What Is Yours
- Great Minds Against Themselves Conspire
- Halloween
- He's Alive!!!
- Heart Of The Fawn
- Heart Of Thunder
- Heaven Was Not Named
- High Rolling
- Hijack At The Hairpin
- His Name Is Gus
- Hooded Allegro Vivace
- Horn
- Hôtel De Monaco
- How Did It Come To This?
- Huddled In The Shadows
- I Love Dostoyevsky
- I Tend To Fall In Love From a Distance
- I Was Born For This (feat. Lisbeth Scott)
- I Would Have Created A Paradise
- I'm On My Journey
- I've Already Removed Her From My Heart
- Ichthyosaurus Communis
- Impetuous Beast
- Into Dust
- Into The Mountains
- Into The Sunrise
- It's Business, Mr. Frye
- It's Strange To Kill Your Dance Partner
- Joining The Clubs
- Jokes Jokes Jokes
- Juarez
- Juke 1: Lefty's
- Juke 2: Weddin' Ready
- Juke 3: Studio 69
- Kumo
- Larbi
- Larry Reloaded
- Larry's Town
- Le Port De La Condamine
- Leaving Home
- Leisure Suit Larry
- Liquidity
- Little Did They Sleep
- London Is Waiting
- London Will Soon Be Rid OF Your Chaos
- Long Past That Last SIgh
- Love Me
- Love Undying
- Main Titles
- Majid
- Manoir Moucharder
- Men Have Become Monsters
- Milk Substitute
- Minds Like Streams And Streams Like Minds
- More Stars Tonight Than Last Night
- Morning Philosophizing
- Mounting Up
- Myliobatis Aquila
- Nadir
- Names
- Nascence
- Nastenka Is My Special Girl
- Nature's Rules
- Negative
- Next Morning
- Nimue
- No Destinies Ordained
- No Faces
- No Field Was Formed
- No Life Goes Forever Unbroken
- No Tree Grows To The Sky
- None Have Returned
- Not Just Any Brother
- Not My Brother Anymore
- Of Our Bones, The Hills
- On The Hides Of Wild Beasts
- On The Seas
- Only Snow Can Shield The Sun
- Only The Sun Has Stopped
- Onward
- Osteoglossum Bicirrhosum
- Our Heels Bleed From The Bites Of Wolves
- Our Steps, To The Night
- Pachelbaby
- Paths Part
- Peace And I Are Strangers Grown
- Pearls Before Swine
- Photograph
- Play The Chinook
- Postlude
- Prelude
- Prelude To The Evening Of The Fawn
- Promises Of Sanctuary
- Pursuit Of The Elusive
- Quartier Diamant
- Raid
- Reclamation
- Reynes In Ruins
- Road Of Trials
- Rodney
- Rondo Alla Behemoth
- Salesman
- Sauro
- Scents Of Jasmine
- Script Score: Behind A Glass Wall
- Script Score: Bleeding
- Script Score: Madeline Alone
- Script Score: Madeline Cries
- Script Score: Madeline Nurses
- Script Score: Naturebirth
- Script Score: Rock Bottom
- Script Score: Sohn's Fate
- Script Score: The Birth: Part 1
- Script Score: The Birth: Part 2
- Script Score: The Birth: Part 3
- Second Confluence
- Seriola Lalandi
- So Much For A House Call
- Soothing Syrup
- Spirit Of The Cosmos - Movement I
- Spirit Of The Cosmos - Movement II
- Spirit Of The Cosmos - Movement III
- Strewn Across A Bridge
- Suddene
- Sunset
- Take Your Bow, Knave
- Tea
- Teach Us Luck
- Temptations
- The Assassin Two-Step
- The Battle
- The Birth
- The Call
- The Captain
- The Churning Seas Of London
- The Cold Has Cured All Generosity
- The Crossing
- The Dance Begins
- The Devil's Trick
- The Egg Cracks
- The Endlessly Grasping Bogs
- The Fifth Path: Involution
- The Final Trial
- The First Path: Into Mistery
- The Floating Isle
- The Fourth Path: Strands
- The Great Wise One
- The Hospital
- The Hunt
- The Impractical Joker
- The Knighting
- The Labyrinth
- The Late Pearl Attaway
- The Path To Salvation
- The Penthouse
- The Plains
- The Pygeon Curse
- The Rain Infects All Waters
- The Redwood Steppe
- The River Why
- The Road Forward
- The Road Of Trials
- The Second Path: Nomad
- The Sixth Path: Exoduses
- The Stalker
- The Stress Point
- The Tale Of Twopenny
- The Third Path: Prayers
- The Twilight Flight
- The Way
- The World Is Breaking
- Their Waters Were Mingled Together
- Then Were Created The Gods In The Midst Of Heaven
- There Aren't Any Jobs
- There Is No Bad Weather
- Third Confluence
- Threads Unweave
- Three Days To Cross
- Threshold
- Through The Mountains
- Thunder Before Lightning
- Tiers Of Joy (feat. Melora Hardin)
- To Know, Water
- To The Skies
- Tomatoes
- Too Dreadful A Practice For This Open Air
- Top Hats And Sword Canes
- Triangle
- Trouble In Spades
- Turf War
- Turf Wars
- Twilight Mist
- Under The Black Banner
- Underground
- Vivian
- Waiting
- Walls Like Mountains
- Walls No Man Has Seen
- Waltzing On Rooftops And Cobblestones
- We Are All Guests Upon The Land
- We Will Not Be Forgotten
- Weary The Weight Of The Sun
- Westernesse
- What Are You Doing?
- What's Yours Is Mine
- With Eyes To The Endless Sun
- Worship The Waters
- You've Stolen Your Last Shilling
- Your Heart's Contents
- Yours To Name
Austin Wintory (nacido el 9 de septiembre de 1984 en Denver, Colorado) es un compositor estadounidense que escribe partituras para películas y videojuegos. Es particularmente conocido por componer las partituras de los aclamados títulos de videojuegos Flow y Journey, de los cuales el último fue nominado para un premio Grammy al mejor álbum de banda sonora para medios visuales (el primero para un videojuego). Sus trabajos cinematográficos incluyen las partituras del éxito de Sundance de 2009 Grace, así como la película ganadora del Premio del Público Sundance de 2008, Capitán Abu Raed. Wintory ha compuesto 300 partituras desde 2003.
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