¿Las canciones de Bright Eyes te encantan? Aquí encontrarás las letras de las canciones de Bright Eyes para que puedas cantarlas a todo pulmón, versionarlas o simplemente saber bien lo que dicen.
Hemos recopilado todas las letras de canciones de Bright Eyes que hemos podido para que quienes, como tú, buscan canciones de Bright Eyes, las encuentren agrupadas en un solo lugar.
Encuentra aquí las letras de tus canciones favoritas de Bright Eyes.
- First Day Of My Life
- Poison Oak
- Lua
- At The Bottom Of Everything
- Cleanse Song
- Jetsabel Removes the Undesireables
- Road To Joy
- A Celebration Upon Completion
- A Few Minutes On Friday
- A Line Allows Progress, A Circle Does Not
- A Machine Spiritual (In The People's Key)
- A New Arrangement
- A Perfect Sonnet
- A Poetic Retelling Of An Unfortunate Seduction
- A Scale, A Mirror, And Those Indifferent Clocks
- A Song To Pass The Time
- A Spindle, A Darkness, A Fever, And A Necklace
- Act Of Contrition
- Air Mattress
- All Of The Truth
- Amy In The White Coat
- An Attempt To Tip The Scales
- An Interview With Conor Oberst
- Another Travelin' Song
- Approximated Sunlight
- Arc Of Time
- Arienette
- Away In a Manger
- Bad Blood
- Beach Bum Song
- Beginner's Mind
- Bent on Broken Nerves
- Big Black Nothing
- Big Old House
- Black Comedy
- Bloodline
- Blue Angels Air Show
- Blue Christmas
- Bottom Of Everything (We Must Sing)
- Bowl Of Oranges
- Breezy
- Burn Rubber
- Cabbage Town
- Cape Canaveral
- Carrot Diamond
- Cartoon Blues
- Clairaudients (Kill Or Be Killed)
- Classic Cars
- Closure
- Coat Check Dream Song
- Conor Oberst
- Contrast And Compare
- Coyote Song
- Danny Callahan
- Devil In The Details
- Devil Town
- Difference Is Time
- Don't Know When But A Day Is Gonna Come
- Down In a Rabbit Hole
- Driving Fast Through A Big City At Night
- Drunk Kid Catholic
- Eagle On A Pole
- Eagle On A Pole (outer South)
- Easy/Lucky/Free
- Emily, Sing Something Sweet
- Empty Canyon, Empty Canteen
- Empty Canyon/Empty Canteen
- Endless Entertainment
- Entry Way Song
- Everything Must Belong Somewhere
- Exaltation On A Cool Kitchen Floor
- Falling Out Of Love At This Volume
- False Advertising
- Famous to Me (Hurtful Kid)
- February Fifteenth
- Feeling It
- Firewall
- Forced Convalescence
- Four Winds
- From A Balance Beam
- Gentlemen's Pact (smoke Signals)
- Get Back
- Get-well-cards
- Go Find Yourself A Dry Place
- God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
- Going For The Gold
- Gold Mine Gutted
- Haile Selassie
- Haligh, Haligh, A Lie, Haligh
- Happy Accident
- Happy Birthday To Me
- Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
- Hell Is Coming, Hell Is Here
- Hit The Switch
- Hot Knives
- How Many Lights Do You See?
- Hungry For A Holiday
- I believe in symmetry
- I Don't Want To Die (in A Hospital)
- I Got The Reason
- I Know You
- I Must Belong Somewhere
- I Watched You Take Off
- I Watched You Taking Off
- I Will Be Grateful For This Day
- I Will Be Grateful For This Day, I Will Be Grateful For Each Day To Come
- I Wish I Had A Parachute (Piñata Theme)
- I Woke Up With This Song In My Head This Morning
- I Won't Ever Be Happy Again
- I'll Be Your Friend
- I'm Sorry For Being Such A Crappy Friend
- I've Been Eating For You
- If The Brakeman Turns My Way
- If Winter Ends
- It's Cool, We Can Still Be Friends
- Jejune Stars
- Joy Division
- June On The West Coast
- Kathy With A K's Song
- Ladder Song
- Landlocked Blues
- Laura Laurent
- Lava Monster
- Lenders In The Temple
- Let's Not Shit Ourselves (To Love And Be Loved)
- Light Pollution
- Lila
- Lime Tree
- Little Drummer Boy
- Loose Leaves
- Lover I Don't Have To Love
- Lovers Turn Into Monsters
- Make A Plan To Love Me
- Make War
- Mariana Trench
- Messenger Bird's Song
- Method Acting
- Middleman
- Milk Thistle
- Mirrors And Fevers
- Moab
- Money Lenders
- Motion Sickness
- Mushaboom (Feist cover)
- N'en Parlons Plus
- Napoleon's Hat
- Neely O'hara
- Nikorette
- No Lies, Just Love
- No One Would Riot For Less
- No One Would Riot For Less
- No Prayer
- North Of The City
- Nothing Gets Crossed Out
- Nothing Has Changed
- Nyc-gone, Gone
- Oh Little Town Of Bethlehem
- Oh, You Are The Roots That Sleep Beneath My Feet And Hold The Earth In Place
- Old Soul Song
- Old Soul Song (For The New World Order)
- On My Way To Work
- One And Done
- One Foot In Front Of The Other
- One For You, One For Me
- One Straw (Please)
- Ouija
- Padraic My Prince
- Patient Hope In New Show
- Patient Hope In New Snow
- Persona Non Grata
- Pioneer's Park
- Please Please Please
- Puella Quam Amo Est Pulchra
- Pull My Hair
- Racing Towards The New
- Reinvent The Wheel
- Rollerskating
- Roosevelt Room
- Saturday As Usual
- Sausalito
- Seashell Tale
- Shell Games
- Ship in a Bottle
- Silent Night
- Silver Bells
- Sing, Sing, Sing
- Slowly (oh So Slowly)
- Smoke Without Fire
- Snake Hill
- Solid Jackson
- Something Vague
- Soon You Will Be Leaving Your Man
- Soul Singer In A Session Band
- Souled Out!!!
- Southern State
- Spent On Rainy Days
- Spoiled
- Spring Cleaning
- Stray Dog Freedom
- Sunrise, Sunset
- Supriya
- Susan Miller Rag
- Synesthete Song
- Take it Easy (Love Nothing)
- Ten Women
- Tereza And Thomas
- Tereza And Tomas
- The 'Feel Good'
- The Awful Sweetness Of Escaping Sweat
- The Awful Sweetness Of Escaping Sweet
- The Big Picture
- The Biggest Lie
- The Calendar Hung Itself
- The Center Of The World
- The City Has Sex
- The Difference In The Shades
- The Doctor And The Dj
- The Feel Good Revolution
- The First Day Of My Life
- The First Noel
- The Joy in Discovery
- The Joy in Forgetting
- The Joy in Forgetting / The Joy in Acceptance
- The Movement Of A Hand
- The Night Before Christmas
- The Trees Get Wheeled Away
- The Vanishing Act
- Theme From Pinata
- Time Code
- To All Lights In The Windows
- To All The Lights In The Windows
- Touch
- Tourist Trap
- Train Under Water
- Train Underwater
- Trees Get Wheeled Away
- Triple Spiral
- Tripped
- True Blue
- Untitled (Lovers Turn Into Monsters)
- Valle Místico (ruben's Song)
- Waste Of Paint
- We Are Free Men
- We Are Nowhere And It's Now
- We Are Nowhere, And It's Now
- We Must Sing
- We're Going To Be Friends
- Weather Reports
- Well Whiskey
- When The Curious Girl Realizes She Is Under Glass
- When The President Talks To God
- White Christmas
- White Shoes
- Woke Up With This Song In My Head This Morning
- Worldwide
- You Will. You? Will. You? Will. You? Will
Bright Eyes es una banda de indie rock conformada por el guitarrista y cantautor Conor Oberst, el multiinstrumentista y productor Mike Mogis, y una alineación rotativa de colaboradores provenientes principalmente de la escena indie de Omaha, Nebraska. La facilidad que tiene Oberst para la crítica social y la filosofía le han hecho ganarse comparaciones con Bob Dylan, aunque sus temas más oscuros, de depresión, ansiedad y alcoholismo tienen más reminiscencias a Leonard Cohen o a Simon Joyner.
A pesar de que Bright Eyes pertenece al sello independiente Saddle Creek Records, la banda goza de una popularidad que rivaliza con la de bandas de sellos multinacionales: en el 2004 los sencillos Lua y Take it easy (Love nothing) consiguieron los primeros dos lugares del ranking de la revista Billboard simultáneamente a menos de dos semanas de su aparición.
Para descubrir las pautas de las canciones de Bright Eyes ello solo tienes que leer bien las letras de sus canciones, y fijarte no solo en lo qué dicen, sino en cómo están construidas.
Esperamos que te gusten estas letras de canciones de Bright Eyes, y que te sean de utilidad.