¿Las canciones de Carole King te encantan? Aquí encontrarás las letras de las canciones de Carole King para que puedas cantarlas a todo pulmón, versionarlas o simplemente saber bien lo que dicen.
Hemos recopilado todas las letras de canciones de Carole King que hemos podido para que quienes, como tú, buscan canciones de Carole King, las encuentren agrupadas en un solo lugar.
¿Ves la canción que te gusta en esta lista de canciones de Carole King?
- You've Got A Friend
- Where You Lead (Gilmore Girls)
- It's Too Late
- Where You Lead
- I Feel The Earth Move
- You're So Vain
- Tapestry
- So Far Away
- Child Of Mine
- Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow
- (You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman
- Birthday Song
- City Streets
- Way Over Yonder
- Beautiful
- Crazy
- Down To The Darkness
- Hard Rock Cafe
- Locomotion
- Love Light
- Loving You Forever
- One Fine Day
- Sweet Life
- (Love Is Like A) Boomerang
- (You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman
- A Fine Way To Go
- A Man Without A Dream
- A Night This Side Of Dying
- A Quiet Place To Live
- A Road To Nowhere
- After All This Time
- Ain't That The Way
- Alabaster Lady
- All My Time
- Alligators All Around
- Ambrosia
- An Uncommon Love
- Anyone At All
- At The Club
- At This Time In My Life
- Avenue P
- Back To California
- Be-bop-a-lula
- Been To Canaan
- Being At War With Each Other
- Believe In Humanity
- Bitter With The Sweet
- Blossom
- Breaking Up Is Hard To Do
- Brighter
- Brother Brother
- Can't You Be Real
- Carol Of The Bells
- Carolina In My Mind
- Carry Your Load
- Chains
- Chalice Borealis
- Change In Mind, Change Of Heart
- Chicken Soup With Rice
- Christmas In The Air
- Christmas Paradise
- Colour Of Your Dreams
- Come Down Easy
- Computer Eyes
- Corazon
- Country Road
- Crying In The Rain
- Dancin' With Tears In My Eye
- Dancin' With Tears In My Eyes
- Dancing
- Daughter Of Light
- Directions
- Disco Tech
- Do You Feel Love
- Do You Hear What I Hear
- Dreamlike I Wander
- Eagle
- Eventually
- Every Breath I Take
- Every Day Will Be Like A Holiday
- Fantasy Beginning
- Fantasy End
- Feeling Sad Tonight
- Fergusen Road
- First Day In August
- Friday's Tye-Dye Nightmare
- Go Away Little Girl
- Goat Annie
- God Only Knows
- Goin' Back
- Golden Man
- Good Mountain People
- Goodbye Don't Mean I'm Gone
- Gotta Get Through Another Day
- Growing Away From Me
- Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
- Haywood
- He's A Bad Boy
- Hey Girl
- Hi-de-ho
- Hi-De-Ho (That Old Sweet Roll)
- High Out Of Time
- Hold Out For Love
- Home Again
- Homeless Heart
- I Can't Hear You No More
- I Can't Stop Thinking About You
- I Don't Believe It
- I Don't Know
- I Think I Can Hear You
- I Wasn't Gonna Fall In Love
- I´d Like To Know You Better
- I'd Like To Know You Better
- I'm Into Something Good
- I've Got My Love To Keep Me Warm
- In The Name Of Love
- It Could Have Been Anyone
- It Might As Well Rain Until September
- It's A War
- It's Going To Take Some Time
- It's Gonna Work Out Fine
- It's Never Too Late
- Jazzman
- Just Once In My Life
- Just One Thing
- Labyrinth
- Lady
- Lay Down My Life
- Legacy
- Life Without Love
- Like Little Children
- Little Prince
- Lookin' Out For Number One
- Love For Christmas
- Love For The Last Time
- Love Makes The World
- Lovelight
- Machine Gun Kelly
- Main Street Saturday Night
- Midnight Flyer
- Monday Without You
- Morning Sun
- Move Lightly
- Music
- My Favorite Things
- My Lovin' Eyes
- My My She Cries
- My Simple Humble Neighborhood
- New Year's Day
- Nightingale
- No Easy Way Down
- Now And Forever
- Now That Everything's Been Said
- Oh No Not My Baby
- Oh! Carol
- One
- One Small Voice
- One To One
- One Was Johnny
- Only Love Is Real
- Out in the Cold
- Paradise Alley
- Passing Of The Days
- Peace In The Valley
- Pierre
- Pleasant Valley Sunday
- Pocket Money
- Raspberry Jam
- Read Between The Lines
- Really Rosie
- Ride The Music
- Sacred Heart Of Stone
- Safe Again
- Screaming And Yelling
- Seeing Red
- Simple Things
- Sleigh Ride
- Smackwater Jack
- Snow Queen
- So Goes Love
- So Many Ways
- So Ready for Love
- Some Kind Of Wonderful
- Someone Who Believes in You
- Someone You Never Met Before
- Something In The Way She Moves
- Song Of Long Ago
- Spaceship Races
- Speeding Time
- Stand Behind Me
- Standin' On The Borderline
- Standing In The Rain
- Still Here Thinking Of You
- Such Sufferin'
- Sunbird
- Surely
- Sweet Adonis
- Sweet Baby James
- Sweet Seasons
- Sweet Sweetheart
- Take Good Care Of My Baby
- Tears Falling Down On Me
- That's How Things Go Down
- The Awful Truth
- The Ballad of Chicken Soup
- The Best Is Yet to Come
- The First Day In August
- The Loco-Motion
- The Reason
- The Sound Of Your Name (Ton Nom)
- There
- There's A Space Between Us
- This Christmas
- This Time
- Time Alone
- Time Gone By
- To Love
- Ton Nom
- Too Much Rain
- Up On The Roof
- Venusian Diamond
- Victim Of Circumstance
- Walk With Me (I'll Be Your Companion)
- Wasn´t Born To Follow
- Wasn't Born To Follow
- We All Have To Be Alone
- We Are All In This Together
- Weekdays
- Welcome Home
- Welcome To My Living Room
- Welfare Symphony
- What Have You Got To Lose
- Why Are You Leaving
- Will You Till Love Me Tomorrow
- Wings Of Love
- Wishful Thinking
- Wrap Around Joy
- You Can Close Your Eyes
- You Can Do Anything
- You Gentle Me
- You Go Your Way, I'll Go Mine
- You Light Up My Life
- You Still Want Her
- You Will Find Me There
- You're Something New
- You're The One Who Knows
- You've Been Around Too Long
- Yours Until Tomorrow
Carol Joan Klein (Nueva York, 9 de febrero de 1942), conocida como Carole King, es una cantante, pianista y compositora estadounidense. Con una carrera de más de 50 años, King es una de las artistas más exitosas de su generación. Ha vendido más de 75 millones de discos en todo el mundo. La revista Billboard la clasificó como la 73ª artista más grande de todos los tiempos. Su segundo álbum, Tapestry (1971), fue el álbum de una artista femenina más vendido en el mundo durante un cuarto de siglo, con ventas globales de 30 millones. Asimismo, es una de las compositoras más exitosas del mundo, con 118 títulos en la Billboard Hot 100 durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX.
King ha ganado cuatro premios Grammy (uno de ellos en reconocimiento a su carrera) y ha sido incluida en el Salón de la Fama del Rock and Roll y en el Salón de la Fama de los Compositores junto con su compañero Gerry Goffin. También fue homenajeada por el Kennedy Center en 2015.
Como cantante, ha publicado 25 álbumes en solitario, de los cuales Tapestry (1971) ha sido el más exitoso de su carrera, encabezando la lista de álbumes de Estados Unidos durante quince semanas en 1971, y permaneciendo en las listas durante más de seis años. Algunas de sus canciones más famosas son It's Too Late, You’ve Got a Friend, Tapestry, I Feel the Earth Move, Jazzman, Now & Forever, entre otras.
Como compositora, King escribió más de dos docenas de éxitos para numerosos artistas, como The Locomotion (Little Eva), Chains (The Beatles), Will You Love Me Tomorrow (The Shirelles), (You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman (Aretha Franklin), Take Good Care of My Baby (Bobby Vee), The Reason (Céline Dion), entre otras.
Te recomendamos que visites todas las de letras de canciones de Carole King, puede que te enamores de alguna más que aún no conocías.
Las letras de las canciones de Carole King a menudo siguen ciertas pautas que puedes llegar a descubrir si te fijas bien. ¿Te animas a ver cuales son?
Esperamos que te gusten estas letras de canciones de Carole King, y que te sean de utilidad.
Si has encontrado la canción que te gusta de Carole King en esta lista, compártela con tus seres queridos.