¿Las canciones de Harry Chapin te encantan? Aquí encontrarás las letras de las canciones de Harry Chapin para que puedas cantarlas a todo pulmón, versionarlas o simplemente saber bien lo que dicen.
Encuentra aquí las letras de tus canciones favoritas de Harry Chapin.
Aquí podrás conocer cuáles son las canciones de Harry Chapin más buscadas.
- Cats In The Cradle
- And The Baby Never Cries
- Any Old Kind Of a Day
- Greyhound
- 30000 Pounds Of Bananas
- A Better Place To Be
- A Lot Of Lonely People Tonight
- A Quiet Little Love Affair
- Anthem
- Any Old Kind of Day
- Babysitter
- Barefoot Boy
- Basic Protest Song
- Better Place To Be
- Bluesman
- Bummer
- Burning Herself
- Caroline
- Changes
- Circle
- Copper
- Corey's Coming
- Could You Put Your Light On Please
- Country Dreams
- Dance Band On The Titanic
- Dancin' Boy
- Dirt Gets Under The Fingernails
- Dogtown
- Dreams Go By
- Empty
- Everybody's lonely
- Fall In Love With Him
- Flowers Are Red
- Get On With It
- God Babe, You've Been Good To Me
- Halfway To Heaven
- I do It For You Jane
- I Don't Want To Be The President
- I Finally Found It, Sandy
- I Miss America
- I Wanna Learn a Love Song
- I Wonder What Would Happen To Him
- I Wonder What Would Happen to this World
- If My Mary Were Here
- If you want to feel
- It Seems You Only Love Me When It Rains
- Jenny
- Last Of The Protest Singer
- Last Stand
- Laugh Man
- Legends Of The Lost And Found
- Let Time Go Lightly
- Love Is Just Another Word
- Mail Order Annie
- Manhood
- Mercenaries
- Mismatch
- Mr. Tanner
- My Old Laddy
- My Old Lady
- Northwest 222
- November Rains
- Odd Job Man
- Old college avenue
- Old Folkie
- On The Road To Kingdom Come
- One Light in a Dark Valley
- One Night In a Dark Valley
- Paint a Picture Of Yourself (michael)
- Please Come to Boston
- Poor Damned Fool
- Pretzel Man
- Remember When The Music
- Roll Down The River
- Salt And Pepper
- Sandy
- Saturday Morning
- Sequel
- She Is Alaways Seventeen
- She Sings Songs Without Words
- Shooting Star
- Short Stories
- Silly Little Girl
- Six String Orchestra
- Sniper
- Somebody Said
- Someone Keeps Calling My Name
- Sometime Somewhere Wife
- Song For Myself
- Song Man
- Star Tripper
- Start Tripper
- Stop Singing These Sad Songs
- Story of a life
- Stranger with the melodies
- Sunday morning sunshine
- Tangled Up Puppet
- Taxi
- The Day They Close The Factory Down
- The Day They Closed the Factory Down
- The Mayor Of Candor Lied
- The Parade's Still Passing By
- The Rock
- The Same Sad Singer
- The Shortest Story
- There Only Was One Choice
- They Call Her Easy
- Up On The Shelf
- Vacancy
- W·O·L·D
- We Grew Up a Little Bit
- We Were Three
- What made America famous
- Why do Little Girls?
- Why Should People Stay The Same?
- Winter Song
- Woman Child
- Word Wizard
- You Are The Only Song
Harry Forster Chapin (Nueva York, 7 de diciembre de 1942 - Nueva York, 16 de julio de 1981) fue un cantante y compositor estadounidense conocido por composiciones de rock como "Taxi", "W * O * L * D" y la exitosa "Cat's in the Cradle" (atribuida erróneamente a Cat Stevens en algunas ocasiones). Chapin fue también un filántropo comprometido a luchar contra el hambre en el mundo, por haber inspirado a los proyectos de la industria musical, como USA for Africa, Live Aid y Hands across America. Murió el 16 de julio de 1981 a los 38 años y en el apogeo de su carrera, de un ataque al corazón después de un terrible accidente automovilístico.
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