Hemos recopilado todas las letras de canciones de Eels que hemos podido para que quienes, como tú, buscan canciones de Eels, las encuentren agrupadas en un solo lugar.
¿Ves la canción que te gusta en esta lista de canciones de Eels?
- I Need Some Sleep
- That Look You Give That Guy
- Need Some Sleep
- Manchild
- Royal Pain
- Today Is The Day
- All The Beautiful Things
- My Beloved Monster
- Novocaine For The Soul
- What I Have To Offer
- $200 Tattoo
- 13
- 3 Speed
- A Daisy Through Concrete
- A Good Deal
- A Line In The Dirt
- A Swallow In The Sun
- Accident Prone
- After The Operation
- Agatha Chang
- Agony
- All In A Day's Work
- Altar Boy
- Animal
- Answers
- Ant Farm
- Apple Trees
- Archie Goodnight
- Are You And Me Gonna Happen
- Baby Genius
- Baby Let’s Make It Real
- Baby Loves Me
- Bad News
- Be Hurt
- Beautiful Freak
- Beginner's Luck
- Birdgirl on a Cell Phone
- Blinking Lights (For Me)
- Bombs Away
- Bone Dry
- Bow Out
- Bright As Yellow
- Bus Stop Boxer
- Cancer For The Cure
- Cheater's Guide
- Checkout Blues
- Christmas Is Going To The Dogs
- Climbing To The Moon
- Daisies Of The Galaxy
- Dark and Dramatic
- Dark End of The Street
- Dark end of the Street (Original by Percy Sledge)
- Day I Wrote You Off
- Dead Of Winter
- Dead Reckoning
- Dirty Girl
- Dog Faced Boy
- Dog's Life
- Dog's Life (From 'Welcome to Woop-woop')
- Dust Of Ages
- E's Tune
- Efil's God
- Eight Lives Left
- Electro-Shock Blues
- Elizabeth On The Bathroom Floor
- End Times
- Estate Sale
- Everything's Gonna Be Cool This Christmas
- Everything's Gonna Be Cool This Christmas
- Eyes Down
- Fashion Awards
- Feeling Good
- Fitting In With The Misfits
- Flower
- Flyswatter
- Fresh Blood
- Fresh Feeling
- Friendly Ghost
- From Which I Came a Magic World
- Fucker
- Funeral Parlor
- Gentlemen's Choice
- Girl From North Country
- Girl From the North Country
- Going Fetal
- Going To Your Funeral
- Gone Man
- Grace Kelly Blues
- Guest List
- Hello Cruel World
- Her
- Hey man (Now you're really living)
- Hidden Track
- Hospital Food
- I Am Building A Shrine
- I Like Birds
- I Like The Way This Is Going
- I Need A Mother
- I Want To Protect You
- I Write The B-Sides
- I'm A Hummingbird
- I'm Going To Stop Pretending That I Didn't Break Your Heart
- I'm Your Brave Little Soldier
- I've Been Kicked Around
- If I Was Your Girlfriend
- If I Was Your Girlfriend (Cover Prince)
- If You See Natalie
- In My Dreams
- In My Younger Days
- In Our Cathedral
- In The Yard, Behind The Church
- It's A Motherfucker
- Jeannie's Diary
- Jehovah's Witness
- Jennifer Eccles
- Jennifer Ecles
- Jungle Telegraph
- Kinda Fuzzy
- Kindred Spirit
- L. A. River
- Last Stop This Town
- Last Time We Spoke
- Let's Ruin Julie's Birthday
- Lilac Breeze
- Little Bird
- Living Life
- Lockdown Hurricane
- Lone Wolf
- Looking Out The Window With A Blue Hat On
- Looking Up
- Losing Streak
- Love Of The Loveless
- Man Up
- Manchester Girl
- Mansions Of Los Feliz
- Mass
- Mental
- Mighty Fine Blues
- Millicent Don't Blame Yourself
- Mistakes Of My Youth
- Mockingbird Franklin
- Most Unpleasant Man
- Mother Mary
- Mr. E's Beautiful Blues
- Mr.E's Beautiful Blues
- My Descent Into Madness
- My Old Raincoat
- My Timing Is Off
- Mystery Of Life
- New Alphabet
- Not Ready Yet
- Nothing Inside
- Novacaine For The Soul
- Nowadays
- Nowheresville
- Numbered Days
- Oh So Lovely
- Old Shit / New Shit
- On My Feet
- On The Ropes
- Only Thing I Care About
- Open My Present
- Ordinary Man
- P.S. You Rock My World
- Packing Blankets
- Paradise Blues
- Parallels
- Peach Blossom
- Permanent Broken Heart
- Poor Side of Town
- Pray
- Premonition
- Pretty Ballerina
- Prizefighter
- Rags To Rags
- Railroad Man
- Restraining Order Blues
- Rock Hard Times
- Rotten World Blues
- Rusty Pipers
- Sad Clown
- Sad Foot Sign
- Saturday Morning
- Selective Memory
- Series Of Misunderstandings
- She Loves A Puppet
- Shine It All On
- Skywriting
- Some Friend
- Somebody Loves You
- Someone To Break The Spell
- Something Is Sacred
- Son Of A Bitch
- Souljacker (part 2)
- Souljacker (Part I)
- Spectacular Girl
- Spunky
- St. Elizabeth Story
- Standing At The Gate
- Stepmother
- Stick Together
- Strawberry Blonde
- Suicide Life
- Summer In The City
- Susan's House
- Sweet Li'l Thing
- Sweet Scorched Earth
- Swimming Lesson
- Taking A Bath In Rust
- Teenage Witch
- Thanks I Guess
- That's Not Her Way
- That's Not Really Funny
- The Beginning
- The Deconstruction
- The Epiphany
- The Good Old Days
- The Longing
- The Man
- The Man Who Didn't Know He'd Lost His Mind
- The Medication Is Wearing Off
- The Morning
- The Only Thing I Care About
- The Other Shoe
- The Sound Of Fear
- The Stars Shine In The Sky Tonight
- The Turnaround
- The Unanswerable
- There I Said It
- There's Something Strange
- Things The Grandchildren Should Know
- Thirteen
- This Is Where It Gets Good
- Tiger In My Tank
- To Dig It
- To Lick Your Boots
- Tomorrow I'll Be Nine
- Tremendous Dynamite
- Trouble With Dreams
- True Original
- Ugly Love
- Understanding Salesmen
- Unhinged
- Walking Cloud
- What Is This Note?
- What's A Fella Gotta Do
- Whatever Happened To Soy Bomb
- Where I'm From
- Where I'm Going
- Woman Driving Man Sleeping
- Wonderful, Glorious
- Wooden Nickels
- Wooden Nickles
- World Of Shit
- Wrong About Bobby
- You Are The Shining Light
- You'll Be The Scarecrow
- You're My Friend
- Your Lucky Day In Hell
- Your Mama Warned You
Eels es una banda de rock de Estados Unidos formada por el cantante y compositor Mark Oliver Everett, más conocido como Mr. E o simplemente E, líder de la banda. El resto de los miembros fue cambiando frecuentemente, ya fuese para grabaciones en estudio como para las presentaciones en vivo.
A pesar de ser hijo de un reconocido científico norteamericano Hugh Everett, Mark Oliver no mostró ningún tipo de talento para las ciencias. Más bien fue influenciado por su hermana Elizabeth, quien tocaba piano. Así fue que, desde adolescente, E se inclinó por la música, llegando luego a conformar una de las bandas alternativas más relevantes.
Es posible no seas un gran fanático de Eels, tal vez te hallas aquí por una sola canción de Eels que te gusta, pero échale un vistazo al resto, seguro que te sorprenden.
Te recomendamos que visites todas las de letras de canciones de Eels, puede que te enamores de alguna más que aún no conocías.
Para descubrir las pautas de las canciones de Eels ello solo tienes que leer bien las letras de sus canciones, y fijarte no solo en lo qué dicen, sino en cómo están construidas.
Analizar las letras de las canciones de Eels puede ser muy divertido y si te gusta componer, puede ayudarte a encontrar fórmulas para crear tus propias composiciones.
Esperamos que te gusten estas letras de canciones de Eels, y que te sean de utilidad.
Si has encontrado la canción que te gusta de Eels en esta lista, compártela con tus seres queridos.