Letra de 'Deadest Of The Dead' de Exhumed

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Si llevas mucho tiempo buscando la letra de la canción Deadest Of The Dead de Exhumed, empieza a calentar la voz, porque no podrás parar de cantarla.

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[musick & lyrixxx - Matt Harvey, 1998]

In the deadest of nights I perform a graveside disservice, Disinhuming the
remains of those who I deem to deserve this, A corpse dead to rights will
undergo this rigorous trashing, Selecting the tomb of the poor stiff that
tonight I will be thrashing... Exhumed from the shelter of earth's dusty
embrace for a morbid curiosity, Then abruptly dismembered without
compunction, just pure feriocity... Consumed and left to welter, In shredded
entrails and long dessciated pus, Wiping the firt from my hands, As I walk
from the grave that I've trampled to dust... Caskets uprooted, mausoleums
stained red, Riding high six feet deep amongst the deadest of the dead, A
tombstone is the sole mute witness, To necro-attrocities as I endeavor to
split this... Corpse in half, stricken by my wrath, The carcass is maimed,
Cleft by pick-axe, halved, quartered and smashed, The gravesite's in flames,
Culled from the reams of obituaries deep in the cemetary, I torment the
entombed, The dead should be wary of the grudges I carry, Deep into the
gloom... Riding high six feet under, Inhale the stench of my nocturnal
plunderm I'll never find piece in a cold, hard death bed, Until I have found
the deadest of the dead... Your insipid epitaph rots, In the dead-letter file,
A necrophile's smile beguiles, Your remains thus defiled, The decrepit
laughter echoes, In the now vacant burial plot, Decayed, dead and decomposed,
But in peace you'll never rot... Piss on the unholy grave, torso carved and
depraved, Now gone the way of all flesh to give me this day my daily death,
The next to fall prey to my sepulchural slaughter, Another dead festering
corpse whose demise has at last brought her... Under the blade, she's carved
up and flayed, Body dismembered, No respects paid, I hack up the slayed, Who
no one remembers, Chainsaw fucked to the hilt, her guts have all spilled, I
destroy the interred, One foot in the grave, by the casket enslaved, I'm an
unholy terror... Riding high six feet down, Finding my niche in a hole in the
ground, One step over the dead-line I tread, In this graveyard of stiffs, I am
the deadest of the dead...

Existen muchos motivos para querer conocer la letra de Deadest Of The Dead de Exhumed.

La razón más común para desear conocer la letra de Deadest Of The Dead es que te guste mucho. Obvio ¿no?

Siéntete como una estrella cantando la canción Deadest Of The Dead de Exhumed, aunque tu público sean solo tus dos gatos.

Un motivo muy usual para buscar la letra de Deadest Of The Dead es el hecho de querer conocerla bien porque nos hacen pensar en una persona o situación especial.

Algo que sucede en más ocasiones de las que pensamos es que la gente busca la letra de Deadest Of The Dead porque hay alguna palabra de la canción que no entiende bien y desea asegurarse de lo que dice.

Creemos que es importante advertir que Exhumed, en los conciertos en directo, no siempre ha sido o será fiel a la letra de la canción Deadest Of The Dead… Así que es mejor centrarse en lo que dice la canción Deadest Of The Dead en el disco.

Esperamos haberte ayudado con la letra de la canción Deadest Of The Dead de Exhumed.

Recuerda que cuando necesites saber la letra de una canción siempre puedes recurrir a nosotros, como ha ocurrido ahora con la letra de la canción Deadest Of The Dead de Exhumed.