¿Las canciones de Four Year Strong te encantan? Aquí encontrarás las letras de las canciones de Four Year Strong para que puedas cantarlas a todo pulmón, versionarlas o simplemente saber bien lo que dicen.
Hemos recopilado todas las letras de canciones de Four Year Strong que hemos podido para que quienes, como tú, buscan canciones de Four Year Strong, las encuentren agrupadas en un solo lugar.
Encuentra aquí las letras de tus canciones favoritas de Four Year Strong.
- Abandon Ship Or Abandon All Hope
- Absolutely (Story Of A Girl)
- Bad News Bearz (B-side)
- Bada Bing! Wit' A Pipe!
- Baseball Bats and Boogie Men
- Beatdown in the Key of Happy
- Brain Pain
- Bring On The World
- Bullet With Butterfly Wings
- Catastrophe
- Cavalier
- Come On Bessie, Slow and Steady
- Dead Is The Only Adventure I Have Left
- Dumpweed
- Easier To Wait And See
- Eating My Words
- Enemy Of The World
- Fairweather Fan
- Falling On You
- Fight The Future
- Find My Way Back
- Flannel Is the Color of My Energy
- Fly
- For Our Fathers
- Four Year Strong
- Go Down In History
- Go Long Dad
- Gotta Get Out
- Gravity
- Heaven Wasn't Built To Hold Me
- Here's To Swimming With Bow-Legged Women
- Heroes Get Remembered, Legends Never Die
- Hold Myself In Contempt
- I'm Big, Bright, Shining Star
- If He's Here, Who's Runnin' Hell?
- If He's Here, Who's Running Hell?
- In Bloom
- Ironic
- It Must Really Suck To Be Four Year Srong Right Now
- It Must Really Suck to Be Four Year Strong Right Now
- Just Drive
- Listen, Do You Smell Something?
- Live From The Crime Scene
- Living Proof Of A Stubborn Youth
- Love Song
- Maniac
- Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Hell
- Nineteen With Neck Tatz
- Not to Toot my Own Horn but.. BEEP BEEP
- On a Saturday
- One Step At a Time
- Only The Meek Get Pinched, The Bold Survive
- Paul Revere's Midnight Ride
- Prepare To Be Digitally Manipulated
- Put You On
- Roll To Me
- Semi-Charmed Life
- She Really Loved You
- She's So High
- So Hot and You Sweat On It
- So Much for the Afterglow
- So You're Saying There's a Chance
- Sparkle Motion
- Spiderwebs
- Stolen Credit Card
- Stuck In The Middle
- Sweet Kerosene
- Talking Myself In Circles
- The Infected
- The Security Of The Familiar
- The Sound Of Your Heart
- The Takeover
- This Body Pays the Bill$
- This Summer Session
- Tonight We Feel Alive (On a Saturday)
- Tread Lightly
- Unbreakable
- Vash: The Stampede
- Wasting Time (Eternal Summer)
- We All Float Down Here
- What The Hell Is A Gigawatt?
- What's In The Box?
- Who Cares?
- Wipe Yourself Off, Man. You Dead.
- Wrecked 'em, Damn Near Killed 'em
- Your Ego Is Writing Cheques Your Body Can't Cash
- Your Song
- Get Out Of My head
Four Year Strong es una banda estadounidense de hardcore melódico y Easycore, proveniente de Worcester, Massachusetts, se formó en 2001. El grupo está formado por los vocalistas y guitarristas Dan O'Connor y Alan Day, el bajista Joe Weiss y el baterista Jackson Massucco.
Han publicado cinco álbumes de estudio con el último, Four Year Strong. Lanzado en 2015
Te recomendamos que visites todas las de letras de canciones de Four Year Strong, puede que te enamores de alguna más que aún no conocías.
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