¿Las canciones de FTISLAND te encantan? Aquí encontrarás las letras de las canciones de FTISLAND para que puedas cantarlas a todo pulmón, versionarlas o simplemente saber bien lo que dicen.
Hemos recopilado todas las letras de canciones de FTISLAND que hemos podido para que quienes, como tú, buscan canciones de FTISLAND, las encuentren agrupadas en un solo lugar.
¿Ves la canción que te gusta en esta lista de canciones de FTISLAND?
Aquí podrás conocer cuáles son las canciones de FTISLAND más buscadas.
- Summer Night's Dream
- I Wish
- Severely
- I Hope (Barae)
- Falling Star
- FT Island
- Last Love Song
- Madly
- Shinin’ On (Korean Version)
- Time To
- A Man's First Love Follows Him to the Grave
- A Person Who's Closer To Tears
- A song for you
- A Song For You (korean)
- A Wish In This Song
- Addicted To Love
- After Love
- Age-height (feat. Song Eun Yi)
- Always
- Always Be Mine
- Always With You
- Another New World
- Aqua
- Arigato
- Baby Love
- Bad Woman (Nabbun Yeojayah)
- Baraem
- Be Free
- Beat It
- Beautiful
- Beautiful World
- Because I Don't Know How to Love
- Becoming You
- Beloved
- Bing Bing Bing
- Black Chocolate
- Black Chocolate (Korean)
- Bones
- Boom Boom Boom
- Born To Be a Rock’n Roller
- Boy Meets Girl (Rain Shower)
- BPM69
- Brand New Days
- Calluses Being Stuck
- Can't Have You
- Cheondong (Thunder)
- Cheonsawa Namukkun
- Cheotnunae Ara
- Chodkissu
- Cling
- Come Inside
- Come On Girl
- Compass (Korean)
- Confession
- Crazily Looking Only At You
- Crying In The Rain
- Cycle
- Dance With U
- Dancing On
- Day By Day
- Destiny
- Distance
- Do You Know Why?
- Don Quixote's Song
- Don't Lose Yourself
- Don't Love Me
- Dream Sky
- Endless Story
- Even for One Minute and One Second
- Even Had Lost A Friend
- Even If It's Not Necessary
- Even Your Tears
- Everything Is Possible
- Eyes On Me
- Fade Out
- Fallin' For You
- Find a Light
- Find The Way
- First Kiss
- Flower Rock
- Freedom
- Friends
- Friendship
- Game
- Girls Don't Know (Yeojaneun Molla)
- godeun sari bakhyeobeoryeo
- Golden
- Goodbye
- Grown Man
- Hajimalleyo
- Haruka
- Heartache
- Heaven II
- Hello Hello
- Here
- Hey Girl
- Hit The Sands
- Ho no Ji no Game
- Hold My Hand
- Hold The Moon
- Hope Again
- Hopeful
- I am Happy
- I Believe Myself
- I Change For You
- I Confess
- I Knew From First Sight
- I Love You
- I Think I Saw Love
- I Want
- I Will Get You
- I Will Have You
- I'm a Foolish Person / I'm a Bad Person
- I'm Going To Confess
- I’m Saying
- Identity
- It's Love
- It's Not Necessary
- It's You
- Itsuka
- Jump
- Keudaenun Sarangibnida
- Lately I
- Let Go
- Let Her Go (Bonaejuja)
- Let It Go!
- Let It Go! (Korean)
- Let's Get Married
- Letting You Go
- Lie
- Life
- Life (Korean)
- Like a Doll (inhyungcheorum)
- Like The Birds
- Live Like a Musical
- Lose
- Love is
- Love It, Hate It
- Love Letter
- Love Lies
- Love Like The Films
- Love Love Love
- Love Must Have Come
- Love Sick (사랑앓이)
- Magic
- Make Little Of Others
- Marry Me
- Marry Me (Gyeolhonhaejweo)
- Meeting
- Memorize
- Memory
- Meotjaengi vs Yeibbuni(FT vs PRI)
- michindeutshi neo hanaman
- Mirai
- Missing You
- Mitaiken Future
- Miwohago Wonmanghago
- Moonlight Angel
- Morning Cofee (Korean)
- Morning Coffee
- Motnani
- Mwoona Gwoona
- Nae Oraen Geunyeowa Haeya Hal Il
- Namui Sokdo Moreugo
- Neverland
- No Regret
- Not a True Goodbye
- Not Knowing My Heart
- Nowhere
- Oh
- On My Way
- One word
- Only One Person
- Orange Iro No Sora
- Orange Sky
- Out Of Love
- Paparazzi
- Paper Plane (Japanese)
- Paper Plane (Korean)
- Paradise
- Paradise (Korean Version)
- Please
- Polar Star
- Pray
- Prayer
- Precious One
- Pretty Girl
- Primadonna
- Puppy
- Quit (관둬)
- Raining
- Rainy Day
- Ready, Go
- Reo Reo
- Rock n' Roll
- Sad Promise
- Sage
- Sarangalhee
- Saranghajimayo
- Saranghanun Bobul Mollaso
- Saranghooae
- Sarangira Burunun Ireum
- Satisfaction
- Save Me
- Sayonara
- Send Away
- Shadow
- Shadows (Japonese)
- Shiawase Theory
- Shinin'
- Show Me Your Love
- Siren
- So Today...
- Someday
- Soyogi
- Stand By Me
- Star
- Stars
- Stay
- Stay What You Are
- Stay With Me
- Sunshine Girl
- Take Me Now
- Tears Are Falling
- Tears Are Flowing
- That Person In Shinsadong
- That Thing You Do
- The Angel And The Woodman
- The Cool VS The Pretty
- The One
- The Thing I Should Have Continued With Her
- The Ugly
- The Way Into You
- Theory Of Happiness
- They Said To Stop
- Thunder
- Time
- Time To (Korean Ver.)
- To The Light
- To The Light (Korean)
- Top Secret
- Tornado
- Train
- Treasure
- Troublemaker
- Try Again
- Try Pinching Me
- Try Pinching Me
- TV Radio
- U (All I Want Is You)
- Ugly
- Unthinkable
- Until you Return
- Venus
- Walking Dead
- Wanna Go
- Wanna Go (Korean)
- We Are
- We Hope To Become Lovers
- What About Me?
- What Can I Do (eojjeoran malliy)
- What U Want
- When I Am Asking About Your Well-
- When Love Comes (Hongki Modern Farmer Ost)
- Who I Am
- Wind
- Winter's Night
- Wiweodogi
- Wonderful Life
- Words I Couldn’t Say Yet
- Yeojanun Molra
- Yilbun Hanchodo
- YOU & ME
- You And I
- You and I (keudaewa na)
- You Are Love
- You Are My Life
- You Don't Have My Feelings
- You Don't Know Who I Am
- You'll Be In My Heart
- Your Words
- Yuki
- Yume
- 말이 안 돼
Es posible no seas un gran fanático de FTISLAND, tal vez te hallas aquí por una sola canción de FTISLAND que te gusta, pero échale un vistazo al resto, seguro que te sorprenden.
Suele pasar que cuando te gusta una canción de un grupo o artista concreto, te gusten otras de sus canciones. Así que si te gusta una canción de FTISLAND seguramente te gustarán muchas otras canciones de FTISLAND.
Las letras de las canciones de FTISLAND a menudo siguen ciertas pautas que puedes llegar a descubrir si te fijas bien. ¿Te animas a ver cuales son?
Para descubrir las pautas de las canciones de FTISLAND ello solo tienes que leer bien las letras de sus canciones, y fijarte no solo en lo qué dicen, sino en cómo están construidas.
Si has encontrado la canción que te gusta de FTISLAND en esta lista, compártela con tus seres queridos.
A veces las canciones de FTISLAND nos sirven para expresar lo que pensamos o sentimos ¿Es tu caso?