¿Las canciones de Glenn Miller Orchestra te encantan? Aquí encontrarás las letras de las canciones de Glenn Miller Orchestra para que puedas cantarlas a todo pulmón, versionarlas o simplemente saber bien lo que dicen.
Hemos recopilado todas las letras de canciones de Glenn Miller Orchestra que hemos podido para que quienes, como tú, buscan canciones de Glenn Miller Orchestra, las encuentren agrupadas en un solo lugar.
¿Ves la canción que te gusta en esta lista de canciones de Glenn Miller Orchestra?
Aquí podrás conocer cuáles son las canciones de Glenn Miller Orchestra más buscadas.
- Moonlight Serenade
- Faithful To You
- (Gotta Get Some) Shut-Eye
- (I've Got A Gal In) Kalamazoo
- (Why Couldn't It Last) Last Night
- A Basso Profundo Am I
- A Blues Serenade
- A Cabana In Havana
- A Handful Of Stars
- A Little Old Church In England
- A Million Dreams Ago
- A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square
- A Pink Cocktail For A Blue Lady
- A Stone's Throw From Heaven
- Ain't Cha Comin' Out?
- Along The Santa Fe Trail
- Always in my heart
- An Angel In A Furnished Room
- And The Angels Sing
- Angel Child
- Angels Of Mercy
- April Played The Fiddle
- At Last
- At the President's Birthday Ball
- Baby Me
- Baby Mine
- Back To Back
- Basket Weaver Man
- Be Happy
- Beat Me Daddy, Eight To The Bar
- Below The Equator
- Bless You
- Blue Evening
- Blue Moonlight
- Blue Orchids
- Blue Rain
- Blueberry Hill
- Bluebirds In The Moonlight
- Boog It
- Booglie Wooglie Piggy
- But It Didn't Mean A Thing
- Can I Help It
- Careless
- Chapel In The Valley
- Chattanooga Choo Choo
- Cinderella (Stay In My Arms)
- Ciribiribin
- Conchita, Marquita, Lolita, Pepita, Rosita, Juanit
- Cradle Song
- Crosstown
- Cuckoo In The Clock
- Day Dreaming
- Dear Arabella
- Dear Mom
- Dearly Beloved
- Delilah
- Devil May Care
- Ding Dong! The Witch Is Dead
- Do You Care?
- Do You Know Why?
- Doin' The Jive
- Don't Cry Cherie
- Don't Sit Under The Apple Tree (with Anyone Else But Me)
- Don't Wake Up My Heart
- Dreamsville, Ohio
- Elmer's Tune
- Every Day's A Holiday
- Everything I Love
- Faithful Forever
- Five O'clock Whistle
- Fools Rush In (Where Angels Fear To Tread)
- Fresh As A Daisy
- From One Love To Another
- Goodbye, Little Darling, Goodbye
- Green Eyes
- High On A Windy Hill
- Humpty Dumpty Heart
- I Do, do You? (do You Believe In Love)
- I Guess I'll Have To Dream The Rest
- I Know Why
- I'm Stepping Out With a Memory Tonight
- Imagination
- In An Old Dutch Garden
- In The Mood
- Indian Summer
- Is You Is Or Is You Ain't My Baby?
- It's A Blue World
- It's Always You
- Jack And Jill
- Jingle Bells
- Jukebox Saturday Night
- Long Time No See, Baby
- Make Believe Ballroom Time
- Melancholy Lullaby
- Moon Love
- Moonlight Becomes You
- Moonlight Cocktail
- Moonlight Mood
- My Last Goodbye
- My Prayer
- My Reverie
- Oh! You Crazy Moon
- Ooh! What You Said
- Orange Blossom Lane
- Our Love Affair
- Out Of Space
- Over The Rainbow
- Perfidia
- Polka Dots And Moonbeams
- Say It
- Serenade In Blue
- Shadows On The Sand
- Shake Down The Stars
- She'll Always Remember
- Skylark
- So You're The One
- Soldier, Let Me Read Your Letter
- Somewhere
- Speaking Of Heaven
- Stairway To The Stars
- Starlight And Music
- Starlit Hour
- Sweet Stranger
- That Old Black Magic
- The Air-minded Executive
- The Angels Came Thru
- The Call Of The Canyon
- The Day We Meet Again
- The Gaucho Serenade
- The Lady's In Love With You
- The Lamp Is Low
- The Man In The Moon
- The Man With the Mandolin
- The Nearness Of You
- The Rhumba Jumps
- The Sky Fell Down
- The Story Of A Starry Night
- The White Cliffs Of Dover
- The Woodpecker Song
- This Changing World
- Three Little Fishes
- To You
- Twilight Interlude
- Under Blue Canadian Skies
- Wanna Hat With Cherries
- We Can Live On Love
- We're That Couple In The Castle
- When the Swallows Come Back To Capistrano
- When You Wish Upon a Star
- Why'd Ya Make Me Fall In Love?
- Wishing
- Yes, My Darling Daughter
- You And I
- You Stepped Out Of A Dream
Es posible no seas un gran fanático de Glenn Miller Orchestra, tal vez te hallas aquí por una sola canción de Glenn Miller Orchestra que te gusta, pero échale un vistazo al resto, seguro que te sorprenden.
Las letras de las canciones de Glenn Miller Orchestra a menudo siguen ciertas pautas que puedes llegar a descubrir si te fijas bien. ¿Te animas a ver cuales son?
Esperamos que te gusten estas letras de canciones de Glenn Miller Orchestra, y que te sean de utilidad.
Como siempre, intentamos ir mejorando y creciendo, por lo que si no has encontrado las letras de las canciones de Glenn Miller Orchestra que buscabas, vuelve pronto, ya que actualizamos nuestras bases de datos con frecuencia para poder ofrecer todas las canciones de Glenn Miller Orchestra y de otros muchos artistas lo más rápido posible.
A veces las canciones de Glenn Miller Orchestra nos sirven para expresar lo que pensamos o sentimos ¿Es tu caso?