- (Some Lines About) A Lovesong
- 3 Needs 2 Get A Grip
- A Hippie Sing Along
- Act Right Now!
- All Your Government Does
- Any Drug Will Do
- B4 U wake....Die !
- Bag Full Of Stories
- Beach Of Fake
- Bereik-bar-baar
- Billy Broke A Bottle (Again)
- Boore Lul
- Break The Public Peace
- Buckle Up!
- Can Anybody Tell Me?
- Can't Find My Brains
- Can't Stand Your Face
- Candy Ft (Sharon Den Adel)
- Cash Is King
- Collect-Call To God
- Come Clean
- Da Doo Ron Ron
- Damclub Hooligan
- Dan Breekt De Hel Los!
- De Neandertaler
- De Portier (Blij Dat Ie Blaffen Kan)
- Delete Me
- Dignity?
- Do You Wanna Die?
- Don't Know Where To Go
- Dood zijn (lijkt me zo verdomde saai)
- Ebersberg
- Embrace & Destroy
- Enjoy The Silence
- Euronoise
- Everybody Loves Me, Everybody Hates Me
- Fistfuckparty At 701
- Fistfull Of Ideals
- Forgotten Continent
- Freak Of Society
- Fuck the New Kids On The Block
- Ga Werken Lul!
- Goede Tijden, Slechte Tijden
- Hol Em Raus Klaus (Da Kommt Ja Saus Aus)
- Home
- Homesick For A Place That Does Not Exist
- I am, You are
- I Can't Change The World
- I Don't Care That You Wear Nike Air
- I Don't Wanna Wake Up
- I'm Not Deaf...i'm Just Ignoring You
- Ideals Lost
- Iedereen Is Gek (Behalve Jij)!
- If Trust Is Broken
- Ik Ben Niet Bang
- Ik Wil Niks!
- Ik Zie Je Later...
- Inside My Head (You're All Dead)
- Into the war
- Jerry Rules In The Land Of The Free
- Kill The Human Race
- Klapvee !
- Kutlied
- Last Call To Humanity
- Lekker Belangrijk
- Listen To The Pope
- Malen In M'n Kop
- Mamelodi Melodies
- Memories of pain
- Mom And Dad Created a Monster
- Mommy Help!
- My Funeral
- My name is Jesus
- N.I.M.B.Y. (Not In My Backyard)
- Nimby (Not In My Backyard)
- Not Mad (Fucking Angry!)
- Nothing For Free
- Nothing's Wrong
- O.P.A.
- Ode To The Ramones
- One On One
- One Way Ticket
- Our Own Vietnam
- P.C.P.O.S.
- Primeur! Terreur!
- Psychic
- Punica
- Radicaal Kapitaal
- Rechtsstaat
- Regular Day In Bosnia
- Rockstar Heaven
- Scapegoat Revolution
- Schizo
- Seize the day
- Shout Out For Freedom
- Since 1989
- SINema
- Sjonnie En Anita
- Stagediving Is An Art
- Suicide
- Tattoo
- Tering Tyfus Takketrut
- Thank You (For Messing Me Up)
- The Granny Got 'm Drunk
- The Shooter
- The World
- Time Is Ticking Away
- Turn Around And Run!
- Uniek!
- United Scum
- Val Maar Dood!
- Watch Me Playing
- We All Share The Same Sun
- We're All Fucked Up
- We're All Fucked Up!
- Western Civilization
- Western White Kid
- What If...
- What You Own Means Nothing
- Who's There For Me
- Why Am I ?
- Why Does Everybody Steal My Hits?
- Winter Wonderland
- Wurst & Kase
- Ze smelten de Paashaas !
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