¿Las canciones de Joe Ely te encantan? Aquí encontrarás las letras de las canciones de Joe Ely para que puedas cantarlas a todo pulmón, versionarlas o simplemente saber bien lo que dicen.
Hemos recopilado todas las letras de canciones de Joe Ely que hemos podido para que quienes, como tú, buscan canciones de Joe Ely, las encuentren agrupadas en un solo lugar.
¿Ves la canción que te gusta en esta lista de canciones de Joe Ely?
- Right where I Belong
- 95 South
- A Flood On Our Hands
- All Just To Get To You
- All My Love
- All That You Need
- All you Are Love
- Are You Listening Lucky?
- Baby Do You Love Me Still?
- Back to my Old Molehill
- Because of the Wind
- Behind The Bamboo Shade
- Boxcars
- Carnival Bum
- Cool Rockin' Loretta
- Cornbread Moon
- Crawdaddy Train
- Crazy Lemon
- Dallas
- Dam of My Heart
- Dame Tu Mano
- Deep Eddy Blues
- Dig All Night
- Don't Put a Lock on My Heart
- Down In The Light Of The Melon Moon
- Down on Filberts Rise
- Down On The Drag
- Dream Camera
- Drivin' Man
- Drivin' to the Poorhouse in a Limosine
- Every Night About This Time
- Everybody Got Hammered
- Fightin For My Life
- Fightin' For My Life
- Fingernails
- Flood on our hands
- For Your Love
- Gallo del Cielo
- Gambler's Bride
- Hard Livin'
- Highways and Heartaches
- Hold On
- Honky Tonk Masquerade
- I Ain't Been Here Long
- I Didn't Even Do It
- I Gotta Find Ol' Joe
- I Had My Hopes up High
- I Keep Gettin' Paid the Same
- I Saw It in You
- I Thought The Wreck Was Over
- I'll be your Fool
- I'm a Thousand Miles from Home
- I'm Gonna Strangle You Shorty
- I'm On The Run Again
- Im on the Run Again
- Im waving my heart goodbye
- Imagine Houston
- Indian Cowboy
- Jazz Street
- Johnny's Blues
- Letter to L.A.
- Letter To Laredo
- Lipstick in the Night
- Locked in a Boxcar with the Queen of Spain
- Lord Of The Highway
- Love is the Beating of Hearts
- Madame Woe
- Mardi Gras Waltz
- Maria
- Maybe She'll Find Me
- Me and Billy the Kid
- Midnight Train
- Musta Notta Gotta Lotta
- My Baby Thinks She's French
- My Eyes Got Lucky
- My Wildest Dreams Grow Wilder Every Day
- Neon of Nashville
- No Rope Daisy-O
- Now Its Now Again
- Once Followed By The Wind
- Pay the Alligator
- Pins and Needles
- Ranches and Rivers
- Richman, Poorboy
- Road Hog
- Roll Again
- Row of Dominoes
- Run Little Pony
- Run Preciosa
- Saint Valentine
- Screaming Blue Jillions
- See The Way
- Settle For Love
- She Collected
- She Finally Spoke Spanish to Me
- She Gotta Get the Gettin'
- She Leaves You Where You Are
- Silver City
- Sleepless In Love
- Slow you Down
- Standin' at the Big Hotel
- Streets of Sin
- That Ain't Enough
- That's Why I Love You Like I Do
- The Eggs Of Your Chickens
- The Road Goes on Forever
- The South Winds Of Summer
- Time For Travelin'
- Tonight I Think I'm Gonna Go Downtown
- Treat Me Like a Saturday Night
- Twisty River Bridge
- Up on the Ridge
- West Texas Waltz
- What's Shakin' Tonight?
- Wheels Of Fortune
- Whenever Kindness Fails
- Where is My Love?
- Whistle Blues
- Wind's Gonna Blow You Away
- Wishin' for You
- Yesterday was Judgement Day
- You Make it Look Easy
- You've Got To Go To Sleep Alone
Joe Ely (9 de febrero de 1947; Amarillo, Texas) es un cantautor y guitarrista estadounidense de honky-tonk, country, Tex-mex y rock and roll. Ely fue miembro fundador de The Flatlanders. Desde entonces ha tenido una carrera de cruce de géneros, interpretando con artistas como Bruce Springsteen, Uncle Tupelo, The Chieftains y James McMurtry, además de sus primeros trabajos con The Clash y colaboraciones con Lyle Lovett, John Hiatt y Guy Clark.
Es posible no seas un gran fanático de Joe Ely, tal vez te hallas aquí por una sola canción de Joe Ely que te gusta, pero échale un vistazo al resto, seguro que te sorprenden.
A veces las canciones de Joe Ely nos sirven para expresar lo que pensamos o sentimos ¿Es tu caso?