¿Las canciones de Marc Almond te encantan? Aquí encontrarás las letras de las canciones de Marc Almond para que puedas cantarlas a todo pulmón, versionarlas o simplemente saber bien lo que dicen.
Aquí podrás conocer cuáles son las canciones de Marc Almond más buscadas.
- Tears Run Rings
- A Lover Spurned
- A Love Outgrown
- A Man
- A Woman's Story
- A World Full Of People
- Abel And Cain
- Addicted
- Adored And Explored
- Almost Diamonds
- Alone
- Always
- Anarcoma
- Angel In Her Kiss
- Baby Night Eyes
- Bad People Kiss
- Barriers
- Beautiful Brutal Thing
- Beautiful Losers
- Bedroom Shrine
- Betrayed
- Bitter Sweet
- Black Kiss
- Black Lullaby
- Black Mountain Blues
- Blond Boy
- Body Unknown
- Born To Cry
- Born To Lose
- Brilliant Creatures
- Broken Bracelets
- Broken Hearted And Beautiful
- Bruises
- Burning Boats
- Caged
- Carnival Of Life
- Champ
- Champagne
- Child Star
- Christmas In Vegas
- City Of Nights
- Come In Sweet Assassin
- Come Out
- Contempt
- Crime Sublime
- Dancer
- Dancing In A Golden Cage
- Deadly Serenade
- Deaths Diary
- Deep Night
- Disease And Desire
- End In Tears
- Everything I Wanted Love To Be
- Exotica Rose
- Facility Girls
- For One Moment
- Fun City
- Glorious
- Gutter Hearts
- Gyp The Blood
- Healthy As Hate
- Heart In Velvet
- Hell Was A City
- Her Imagination
- I Who Never
- I'm Coming
- I'm Sick Of You Tasting Of Somebody Else
- I've Never Seen Your Face
- If You Go Away
- If You Need
- In Your Bed
- Incestuous Love
- Jackal Jackal
- Joey Demento
- Just Good Friends
- Kept Boy
- King Of The Fools
- Law Of The Night
- Lie
- Lights
- Litany For A Return
- Little White Cloud That Cried
- Lonely Go-Go Dancer
- Looking For Love (In All The Wrong Places)
- Lost Paradise
- Love Amongst The Ruins
- Love And Little White Lies
- Love For Sale
- Love In A Time Of Science
- Love Letter
- Love To Die For
- Loveless World
- Madame De La Luna
- Mamba
- Medley
- Meet Me In My Dreams
- Melancholy Rose
- Midnight Soul
- Money For Love
- Moonbathe Skin
- Mother Fist
- Mr Sad
- My Candle Burns
- My Death
- My Guardian Angel
- My Hand Over My Heart
- My Little Lovers
- My Love
- Never To Be Next
- Night & Dark
- Night And No Morning
- Old Jack's Charms
- On The Prowl
- One Big Soul
- Only The Moment
- Open All Night
- Orpheus In Red Velvet
- Out There
- Persuasion
- Pink Shack Blues
- Pirate Jenny
- Real Evil
- Remorse Of The Dead
- Ruby Red
- Rues des Blancs-Manteaux
- Saint Judy
- Salty Dog
- Satan's Child
- Scarlet Bedroom
- Secret Child
- She Took My Soul In Istanbul
- Shinning Brightly
- Sleaze
- Sleepwalker
- Snake Charmer
- Solo Adultos
- Something's Gotten Hold Of My Heart
- Split Lip
- Stories Of Johnny
- Tantalise Me
- Tenderness Is A Weakness
- The Boy Who Came Back
- The Bulls
- The Days Of Pearly Spencer
- The Desperate Hours
- The Devil (Okay)
- The Edge Of Heartbreak
- The Flesh Is Willing
- The Frost Comes Tomorrow
- The Gambler
- The Heel
- The House Is Haunted
- The Hustler
- The Idol
- The Libertine's Dream
- The Lockman
- The Plague
- The River
- The Room Below
- The Sea Says
- The Sea Still Sings
- The Sensualist
- The Slave
- The Stars We Are
- The Town Fell Asleep
- The User
- The Very Last Pearl
- There Is A Bed
- These My Dreams Are Yours
- Things You Loved Me For
- Threat Of Love
- Toreador In The Rain
- Total Eclipse (feat. Nina Hagen and Rosenstolz)
- Tragedy
- Traumas, Traumas, Traumas
- Two Sailors On The Beach
- Ugly Head
- Unborn Stillborn
- Under Your Wing
- Undress Me
- Vaudeville And Burlesque
- Waifs And Strays
- We Must Look
- We Need Jealousy
- What Is Love?
- What Makes A Man A Man
- When It's Your Time
- Widow Weeds
- Yesterday When I Was Young
- You Have
- You Only Live Twice
- You'll Never See Me On A Sunday
- Your Aura
- Your Kisses Burn
Marc Almond, nombre artístico de Peter Mark Sinclair Almond (Southport, Lancashire, 9 de julio de 1957) es un cantante y compositor popular inglés, que originalmente obtuvo fama como vocalista del dúo de Tecnopop/New Wave, Soft Cell, que fundó con David Ball.
Las letras de las canciones de Marc Almond a menudo siguen ciertas pautas que puedes llegar a descubrir si te fijas bien. ¿Te animas a ver cuales son?
Para descubrir las pautas de las canciones de Marc Almond ello solo tienes que leer bien las letras de sus canciones, y fijarte no solo en lo qué dicen, sino en cómo están construidas.
Analizar las letras de las canciones de Marc Almond puede ser muy divertido y si te gusta componer, puede ayudarte a encontrar fórmulas para crear tus propias composiciones.
Esperamos que te gusten estas letras de canciones de Marc Almond, y que te sean de utilidad.
Si has encontrado la canción que te gusta de Marc Almond en esta lista, compártela con tus seres queridos.