- God Of Emptiness
- Blessed Are The Sick / Leading The Rats
- I Am Morbid
- Caesar's Palace
- Dawn Of The Angry
- Desolate Ways
- Dominate
- Radikult
- Rapture
- World Of Shit (The Promised Land)
- . Dr. Holmes (He Stripped Their Bones)
- 10 More Dead
- Abominations
- Abominations
- Ageless,Still I Am
- Ambassador Hotel
- Angel Of Disease
- Anjo da doença
- Apartment 213
- Architect And Iconoclast
- Arrebatamento
- At One With Nothing
- Azagthoth
- Baptized
- Bath House
- Beauty Meets Beast
- Behind The Wall Of Sleep
- Beneath The Hollow
- Bil Ur-sag
- Blades For Baal
- Blasfêmia
- Blasphemy
- Bleed For The Devil
- Blood Bank
- Blood On My Hands
- Brainstorm
- Ceasar's Palace
- Chambers Of Dis
- Chapel Of Ghouls
- Christopher Scarver
- Cleansed In Pestilence
- Coming To Chicago
- Covenant Of Death
- Cup Of Coffee
- Curse The Flesh
- D.E.A.D
- Dahmer's Dead
- Damnation
- David Brom Took An Axe
- Day Of Suffering
- Declaring New Law (Secret Hell)
- Demon Seed
- Destructos Vs. The Earth / Attack
- Disease
- Do The Dahmer
- Dog Guts
- Doomsday Celebration
- Dreaming
- Drill Bit Lobotomy
- Ed Gein
- Embalmer
- Enshrined By Grace
- Evil Ole Soul
- Evil Spells
- Exhumer
- Existo Vulgoré
- Exposure
- Eyes To See, Ears To Hear
- Fall From Grace
- Fishtales
- For No Master
- Freeze Dried Man
- Fritz Haarmann The Butcher
- From The Hands Of Kings
- Funeral Home
- Garden Of Disdain
- God Of Our Own Divinity
- God Of The Forsaken
- Grandmother's House
- Harvey Glataman (Your Soul Will Forever Rot)
- Hatework
- He Who Sleeps
- Heaving Earth
- Hellspawn: The Rebirth
- Hey Laurie Dann
- Hitchhiker
- Holidays Of Horror
- Hot Rods To Hell
- I
- I Need To Kill
- Immortal Rites
- In Remembrance
- In The Army Now
- Inquisition (Burn With Me)
- Into The Toilet With You
- Intro
- Invocation Of The Continual One
- Jeffrey Dahmer And The Chocolate Factory
- Jeffrey Dahmer Blues
- Konerak
- Lions Den
- Lords Of All Fevers And Plague
- Maze Of Torment
- McDahmers
- McMassacre
- Media Circus
- Mr. Albert Fish (Was Children Your Favorite Dish?)
- Nar Mattaru
- Nevermore
- Nothing But Fear
- Nothing Is Not
- Opening Of The Gates
- Pain Divine
- Paradigms Warped
- Patrick Purdy Killed Five And Wounded Thirty
- Piles Of Little Arms
- Praise The Strength
- Prayer Of Hatred
- Profundis - Mea Culpa
- Rat Man
- Rebel Lands
- Scrub A Dub Dub
- Secured Limitations
- Serial Killer
- Slaughter Thy Poser
- Son Of Sam
- Stricken Arise
- Suffocation
- Summoning Redemption
- Sworn To The Black
- The Ancient Ones
- The Brain
- The Fall Of Idols
- The Gate / Lord Of All Fevers
- The Green River Murderer (He's Still Out There)
- The Invocation / Chapel Of Ghouls
- The Pillars Crumbling
- The Righteous Voice
- This Means War!
- Thy Kingdom Come
- To The Victor, The Spoils
- Too Extreme!
- Trampled To Death
- Trial
- U-Mu La Mah-Ri
- Ultra Violent
- Unholy Blasphemies
- Vengeance Is Mine
- Visions From The Dark Side
- Welcome To Hell
- Where The Slime Live
- Within Thy Enemy
Morbid Angel es una banda de death metal procedente de Florida, Estados Unidos. Es considerada una banda pionera dentro del estilo junto a grupos como Death, Obituary y Possessed. Fue formada en 1983 por su guitarrista, líder y único miembro original constante de la agrupación, Trey Azagthoth.
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