Letras de Canciones de Pestilence

  1. Dehydrated
  2. Out Of The Body
  3. Absolution
  4. Affectation
  5. Amgod
  6. Antropomorphia
  7. Aura Negative
  8. Aurian Eyes
  9. Bacterial Surgery
  10. Bitterness
  11. Blood
  12. Changing Perspectives
  13. Chemo-therapy
  14. Chronic Infection
  15. Commandments
  16. Confusion
  17. Cycle OF Existence
  18. Darkening
  19. Deception
  20. Dehydrated II
  21. Deify Thy Master
  22. Demise Of Time
  23. Devouring Frenzy
  24. Displaced
  25. Dissolve
  26. Distress
  27. Divinity
  28. Doctrine
  29. Echoes Of Death
  30. Extreme Unction
  31. Fiend
  32. Free Us From Temptation
  33. Hangman
  34. Hate Suicide
  35. Horror Detox
  36. Impure
  37. In Sickness & Death
  38. In Sorrow
  39. Land Of Tears
  40. Laniatus
  41. Lost Souls
  42. Malignant
  43. Malleus Maleficarum / Anthropomorphia
  44. Mind Reflections
  45. Mindwarp
  46. Multiple Beings
  47. Necro Morph
  48. Neuro Dissonance
  49. Obsideo
  50. Parricide
  51. Personal Energy
  52. Presence Of The Dead
  53. Process Of Suffocation
  54. Proliferous Souls
  55. Prophetic Revelations
  56. Reduced to Ashes
  57. Resurrection Macabre
  58. Salvation
  59. Saturation
  60. Sinister
  61. Soul Search
  62. Soulless
  63. Soulrot
  64. Spheres
  65. Stigmatized
  66. Subordinate To The Domination
  67. Super Conscious
  68. Suspended Animation
  69. Synthetic Grotesque
  70. Systematic Instruction
  71. Testimony
  72. The Level Of Perception
  73. The Predication
  74. The Secrecies Of Horror
  75. The Trauma
  76. Transition
  77. Twisted Truth
  78. Y2H

Pestilence es una banda neerlandesa de death metal fundada en 1986 en Enschede. Después incorporarían elementos de jazz fusión a su música. Lanzaron cuatro álbumes antes de separarse en 1994 y volver a reunirse en 2008. Tras su regreso, han lanzado 3 álbumes de estudio.

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