Hemos recopilado todas las letras de canciones de Chris Rea que hemos podido para que quienes, como tú, buscan canciones de Chris Rea, las encuentren agrupadas en un solo lugar.
¿Ves la canción que te gusta en esta lista de canciones de Chris Rea?
- Road To Hell
- Fool (If You Think It's Over)
- And You My Love
- Looking For The Summer
- On The Beach
- Auberge
- E
- Josephine
- Curse Of The Traveller
- I'm Still Holding On
- Just Want To Be With You
- Look Out For Me
- The Road To Hell ( Part Two)
- 90's Blues
- Ace Of Hearts
- Ain't Going Down This Way
- All Summer Long
- Anyone Quite Like You
- As Long As I Have Your Love
- Auf Immer Und Ewig
- Because Of You
- Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea
- Black Dog
- Bombollini
- Boom Boom
- Born To Lose
- Bows and bangles
- Burning Feet
- Can't Get Through
- Candles
- Catfish Girl
- Cenotaph / Letter from Amsterdam
- Changing Times
- Chisel Hill
- Coming Off The Ropes
- Crack That Mould
- Dance! (Don't Think)
- Dancing Girls
- Dancing Shoes
- Dancing the Blues Away
- Dancing with Charlie
- Daytona
- Deep Water
- Deltics
- Diamonds
- Distant Summers
- Do It For Your Love
- Do You Still Dream?
- Don't Want Your Best Friend
- Donahue's broken wheel
- Driving Home For Christmas
- Easy Rider
- Espresso Logic
- Every Beat Of My Heart
- Every Second Counts
- Every Time I See You Smile
- Everytime I See You Smile
- Evil No.2
- Firefly
- Fires Of Spring
- Footprints In The Snow
- For Ever And Ever
- Freeway
- From Love To Love
- Give That Girl a Diamond
- Giverny
- God's Great Banana Skin
- Gone Fishing
- Gonna Buy a Hat
- Good Morning
- Good News
- Goodbye Little Columbus
- Got To Be Moving On
- Guitar Street
- He Should Know Better
- Heading For The City
- Heaven
- Hello Friend
- Hey You
- Hired Gun
- Holding Out
- I Ain't The Fool
- I Can Hear Your Heartbeat
- I Can Hear Your Heartbeat (1983)
- I can hear your heartbeat (1988)
- I Can't Dance To That
- I Don't Care Anymore
- I Don't Know What It Is But I Love It
- I Just Wanna Be With You
- I Saw You Coming
- I Thought I Was Going To Lose You
- I'm In My Car
- I'm Ready
- I'm Taking The Day Out
- If You Choose To Go
- If You Were Me
- If You Were Me (Duet With Elton John)
- It's a Wonderful Life
- It's All Gone
- Johnny Needs a Fast Car
- Joys Of Christmas
- Julia
- Just One Of Those Days
- Just Passing Through
- Keep On Dancing
- King Of The Beach
- Last Open Road
- Let It Loose
- Let's Dance
- Light Of Hope
- Little Blonde Plaits
- Looking For a Rainbow
- Love Turns To Lies
- Love's Strange Ways
- Loving You
- Loving You Again
- Lucky Day
- Marvin
- Midnight Blue
- Miles Is a Cigarette
- Miss Your Kiss
- Mississippi
- New Times Square
- New Way
- No Qualifications
- Nobody But You
- Nothing To Fear
- Nothing's Happening By The Sea
- One Fine Day
- One Golden Rule
- One Sweet Tender Touch
- Only With You
- Out Of The Darkness
- Qualified
- Que Sera
- Raincoat And a Rose
- Reasons
- Red
- Red Shoes
- Ride On
- Ruby blue
- Runaway
- Sail Away
- Sandwriting
- Seabird
- September blue (1985)
- September Blue (1987)
- Set Me Free
- Shadows Of The Big Man
- Shamrock Diaries
- She Closed Her Eyes
- She Gave It Away
- She's Gonna Change Everything
- Shine, Shine, Shine
- Sierra, Sierra
- Since I Don't See You Anymore
- Since I Found You
- Sing a Song Of Love To Me
- Slow Dance
- Smile
- So Lonely
- Soft Top, Hard Shoulder
- Someday My Peace Will Come
- Soup Of The Day
- Square Peg, Round Hole
- Stainsby Girls
- Standing in your doorway
- Steel River
- Stick By You
- Stick It
- Stone
- Stony Road
- Stop
- Summer love
- Sun is Rising
- Sweet Kiss
- Sweet Summer Day
- Teach me to dance
- Tell Me There's A Heaven
- Tennis
- Texas (1983)
- Texas (1989)
- That girl of mine
- That's the way it goes
- That's what they always say
- The Blue Cafe
- The closer you get
- The Hustler
- The mention of your name
- The Road To Hell (Part One)
- The things lovers should do
- The Way You Look Tonight
- There she goes
- Thinking Of You
- Three angels
- Too much pride
- Touch D'amour
- Twisted wheel
- Two roads
- We don't have problem
- Whatever happened to Benny Santini?
- When the Good Lord Talked to Jesus
- When you know your love has died
- Where Do We Go From Here?
- Windy town
- Winning
- Winter song
- Wired to the moon
- Working on it
- Yes I do
- You can go your own way
- You must be evil
- You're not a number
- Your warm and tender love
Christopher Anton Rea, de nombre artístico Chris Rea, es un músico británico de ascendencia italo-irlandesa, nacido el 4 de marzo de 1951 en Middlesbrough, Inglaterra. A sus facetas más conocidas de cantautor, guitarrista, compositor y productor musical, se añaden las de pintor, actor y piloto de carreras.
La mayor parte de la carrera musical de Rea se basa en una fusión de pop, rock y blues, con ocasionales elementos orquestales, de soul, góspel, jazz, música electrónica, y música tradicional italiana e irlandesa, dominada por su distintiva voz, grave y rota, y por su característica técnica de guitarra, basada en el uso del slide de cristal, o bottleneck. Desde la década de 2000, tras sobrevivir a una serie de operaciones quirúrgicas de alto riesgo, su música ha ido derivando hacia el estilo Delta blues, su mayor influencia, mezclado con elementos de góspel y jazz.
De su extensa carrera musical son famosos los éxitos Fool (If You Think It's Over), I Can Hear Your Heartbeat, On The Beach, Josephine, Looking For The Summer, Julia, Auberge y The Road To Hell (Part II), entre otros.
Es posible no seas un gran fanático de Chris Rea, tal vez te hallas aquí por una sola canción de Chris Rea que te gusta, pero échale un vistazo al resto, seguro que te sorprenden.
Suele pasar que cuando te gusta una canción de un grupo o artista concreto, te gusten otras de sus canciones. Así que si te gusta una canción de Chris Rea seguramente te gustarán muchas otras canciones de Chris Rea.
Para descubrir las pautas de las canciones de Chris Rea ello solo tienes que leer bien las letras de sus canciones, y fijarte no solo en lo qué dicen, sino en cómo están construidas.
Analizar las letras de las canciones de Chris Rea puede ser muy divertido y si te gusta componer, puede ayudarte a encontrar fórmulas para crear tus propias composiciones.
Esperamos que te gusten estas letras de canciones de Chris Rea, y que te sean de utilidad.