Hemos recopilado todas las letras de canciones de Robert Cray que hemos podido para que quienes, como tú, buscan canciones de Robert Cray, las encuentren agrupadas en un solo lugar.
Encuentra aquí las letras de tus canciones favoritas de Robert Cray.
¿Ves la canción que te gusta en esta lista de canciones de Robert Cray?
- (Won't Be) Coming Home
- Already Gone
- I Forgot to Be Your Lover
- I'm Done Cryin'
- Smoking Gun
- Too Many Cooks
- 1040 Blues
- 24-7 Man
- A Memo
- A Picture Of A Broken Heart
- A Whole Lotta Pride
- Across The Line
- Acting This Way
- All The Way
- Anytime
- At last
- Baby's Arms
- Back Door Slam
- Back Home
- Bad Influence
- Black Cat Bone
- Blackjack
- Blues Get Off My Shoulder
- Bouncin' Back
- Bring Your Fine Self Home
- Change of Heart, Change of Mind
- Chicken In The Kitchen
- Consequences
- Cry For Me Baby
- Distant Shore
- Do That For Me
- Does it really matter
- Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark
- Don't Break This Ring
- Don't touch me
- Don't You Even Care?
- Enough For Me
- Fadin' away
- False accusations
- Fantasized
- Far Away
- Fine Yesterday
- Fix This
- Forecast
- Forever Goodbye
- Foul Play
- Got To Make A Comeback
- Gotta Change The Rules
- Great Big Old House
- He Don't Live Here Anymore
- Help me forget
- Holdin' Court
- Holdin' On
- I Can't Fail
- I can't go home
- I can't quit
- I Didn't Know
- I Got Loaded
- I Guess I Showed Her
- I know you will
- I shiver
- I Was Warned
- I wonder.
- I'd rather be a wino
- I'll Always Remember You
- I'll Go On
- I'm a good man
- I'm afraid
- I'm gonna forget about you
- I'm just lucky That way
- I'm Walkin'
- I've Slipped Her Mind
- If You're Thinkin' What I'm Thinkin'
- It Doesn't Show
- It's All Gone
- Jealous love
- Jealous Minds
- Just a loser
- Labor Of Love
- Laugh Out Loud
- Leave Well Enough Alone
- Let Me Know
- Lion's Den
- Little Birds
- Little boy big
- Living Proof
- Lotta Lovin'
- Love 2009
- Love Gone To Waste
- Love Sickness
- Love Struck Baby
- March On
- Midnight stroll
- Moan
- More Than I Can Stand
- Move a mountain
- My Last Regret
- My Problem
- Never Mattered Much
- New blood
- Nice As A Fool Can Bev
- Night Patrol
- No big deal
- No One Special
- Nobody's Fault But Mine
- Not bad for love
- Nothin' against you
- Nothin' But A Woman
- On The Road Down
- Our last time
- Out Of Eden
- Pardon
- Passing By
- Payin' For It Now
- Phone Booth
- Playin' In The Dirt
- Poor Johnny
- Porch Light
- Price I pay
- Renew Blues
- Right Next Door
- Right Next Door (Because Of Me)
- Sadder Days
- Share What You've Got, Keep What You Need
- She's gone
- She's Into Something
- Side Dish
- Simple Things
- Sleeping In The Ground
- So many women, so little time
- Some pain, some shame
- Sonny
- Spare Some Love
- Stay, go
- Steppin' Out
- Still around
- Survivor
- T-Bone Shuffle
- Tell The Landlord
- That Ain't Love
- That Wasn't Me
- That's What I'll Do
- That's What Keeps Me Rockin
- The 12 Year Old Boy
- The Dream
- The forecast calls for pain
- The Grinder
- The Last Time (I Get Burned Like This)
- The Moon Is Full
- The One In The Middle
- The Score
- The things you do to me
- There's Nothing Wrong
- These things
- This Man
- This Time
- Time Makes Two
- Times Makes Two
- Tollin' Bells
- Trick Or Treat
- Trouble And Pain
- Twenty
- Two Steps From The End
- Up And Down
- Up In The Sky
- Waiting For The Tide To Turn
- Walk Around Time
- What about me
- What You Need (Good Man)
- When The Welfare Turns Its Back On You
- Where Do I Go From Here
- Who's Been Talkin'
- Will You Think Of Me?
- Won The Battle
- Won't You Give Him (One More Chance)
- Worry
- You Move Me
- You're Gonna Need Me
- Your Good Thing (Is About To End)
- Your Pal
- Your Secret's Safe With Me
Robert Cray es un guitarrista y cantante de blues y soul nacido en Columbus (Georgia), Estados Unidos el 1 de agosto de 1953.
Es posible no seas un gran fanático de Robert Cray, tal vez te hallas aquí por una sola canción de Robert Cray que te gusta, pero échale un vistazo al resto, seguro que te sorprenden.
Te recomendamos que visites todas las de letras de canciones de Robert Cray, puede que te enamores de alguna más que aún no conocías.
Para descubrir las pautas de las canciones de Robert Cray ello solo tienes que leer bien las letras de sus canciones, y fijarte no solo en lo qué dicen, sino en cómo están construidas.
Como siempre, intentamos ir mejorando y creciendo, por lo que si no has encontrado las letras de las canciones de Robert Cray que buscabas, vuelve pronto, ya que actualizamos nuestras bases de datos con frecuencia para poder ofrecer todas las canciones de Robert Cray y de otros muchos artistas lo más rápido posible.
Si has encontrado la canción que te gusta de Robert Cray en esta lista, compártela con tus seres queridos.
A veces las canciones de Robert Cray nos sirven para expresar lo que pensamos o sentimos ¿Es tu caso?