Letras de Canciones de Skeeter Davis

Encuentra aquí las letras de tus canciones favoritas de Skeeter Davis.

¿Ves la canción que te gusta en esta lista de canciones de Skeeter Davis?

  1. The End Of The World
  2. Above And Beyond (the Call Of Love)
  3. Ain't Had No Lovin'
  4. AL-DI-LA
  5. All Of Me
  6. Angel Of The Morning
  7. Another You
  8. Ask Me
  9. Baby Sweet Baby
  10. Before I Met You
  11. Before I'm Over You
  12. Before The Sunrise
  13. Blueberry Hill
  14. Born To Love You
  15. Both Sides Now
  16. Bridge Over Troubled Water
  17. Bring It On Home
  18. Broomstick Cowboy
  19. Burning a Hole In My Mind
  20. Bus Fare To Kentucky
  21. Cabin On The Hill
  22. California Uptight Band
  23. Chokin' Kind
  24. Closest Thing To Love (i've Ever Seen)
  25. Country Girl
  26. Cry Me a River
  27. Daddy Sang Bass
  28. Daddy Was An Old Time Preacher Man
  29. Dear Heart
  30. Dear John Letter
  31. Didn't I
  32. Dixie Cup Of Sand
  33. Don't Keep Me Lonely Too Long
  34. Down From Dover
  35. Down The Road
  36. Dream Baby (how Long Must I Dream)
  37. Early In The Morning
  38. Easy To Love (so Hard To Get)
  39. Evil On Your Mind
  40. Face Of a Clown
  41. Father's Table Grace
  42. Fly Me To The Moon (In Other Words)
  43. Foggy Mountain Top
  44. Fuel To The Flame
  45. Girl Who'll Satisfy Her Man
  46. Give Me Death
  47. God Loves His Children
  48. Goin' Down The Road Feelin' Bad
  49. Gonna Get Along Without You Now
  50. Guess My Eyes Were Bigger Than My Heart
  51. Gypsy Joe And Me
  52. He Doesn't Love Me Anymore
  53. He Says The Same Things To Me
  54. He'll Have To Stay
  55. Head Over Heels In Love With You
  57. Hold Me Tight
  59. How In The World do You Kill a Memory
  60. How Much Can A Lonely Heart Stand
  61. I Can't See Me Without You
  62. I Can't Stay Mad At You
  63. I Didn't Cry Today
  64. I Don't Care (just As Long As You Love Me)
  65. I Don't Wanna Play House
  66. I Got You
  67. I Love You
  68. I Say a Little Prayer
  69. I Still Miss Someone
  70. I Wanna Be Loved By You
  71. I Won't Be Hanging Around
  72. I Wouldn't Treat My Dog
  73. I'll Go Out At Night To Old Familiar Places
  74. I'll Never Love Another
  75. I'm Living In Two Worlds
  76. I'm Looking For a World
  77. I'm Looking For Someone To Love
  78. I'm Only a Woman
  79. I'm Saving My Love
  80. I'm So Afraid Of Losing You Again
  81. I'm Your Woman
  82. I’m Falling Too
  83. If I Ever Get To Heaven (i Won't See You)
  84. In The Good Old Days (when Times Were Bad)
  85. In The Misty Moonlight
  86. Invisible Tears
  87. It Doesn't Matter Anymore
  88. It's a Crazy World
  89. It's Hard To Be a Woman
  90. It's So Easy
  91. Jackson
  92. Jimmy Brown The Newsboy
  93. Joshua
  94. Just The Way I Am
  95. Keep Baltimore Beautiful
  96. Ladder Of Success
  97. Let It Be Me
  98. Let Me Get Close To You
  99. Let's Make Love Not War
  100. Little Arrows
  101. Little Music Box
  102. Little Things Got Big
  103. Lonely Again
  104. Love Love Love
  105. Loving Him Was Easier
  106. Maybe Baby
  107. Mine Is A Lonely Life
  108. Most Wanted Man
  109. My Elusive Dreams
  110. My Happiness
  111. My Heart's In The Country
  112. My Last Date
  113. My Sweet Loving Man
  114. Never Ending Song Of Love
  115. Night They Drove Old Dixie Down
  116. Now I Lay Me Down To Weep
  117. Oh Boy
  118. On My Mind
  119. One Tin Soldier
  120. Only The Strong Survive
  121. Optimistic
  122. Please Don't Talk To The Lifeguard
  123. Prescription For The Blues
  124. Promises Promises
  125. Put It Off Until Tomorrow
  126. Raining In My Heart
  127. Reason To Believe
  128. Remember (walkin' In The Sand)
  129. Secret Love
  130. Set Him Free
  131. Singing My Song
  132. SMILE
  133. Somebody Else On Your Mind
  134. Someday Soon
  135. Something Comes Over Me
  136. Somewhere With Me Sometime
  137. Son Of a Preacher Man
  138. Summer Place
  141. Take Me Home Country Roads
  142. Teach Me To Love You
  143. That'll Be The Day
  144. That's All I Want From You
  145. The End Of The World
  146. There Never Was a Time
  147. They Don't Make Love Like They Used To
  148. Think It Over
  149. Think Of Me
  150. Together Again
  151. Tomorrow Is Forever
  152. Too Used To Being With You
  153. Too Young
  154. Touch Your Woman
  155. True Love
  156. True Love Ways
  157. Truer Love You'll Never Find
  158. Under The Boardwalk
  159. v
  160. We Must Have Been Out Of Our Minds
  161. We Need a Lot More Of Jesus
  162. We'll Sing In The Sunshine
  163. Well All Right
  164. What Does It Take (to Keep a Man Like You Satisfied)
  165. What I Go Thru (to Keep Holding On To You)
  166. When I Fall In Love
  167. When You Gonna Bring Our Soldiers Home
  168. Why So Lonely
  169. Windmills Of Your Mind
  170. You Ain't Woman Enough
  171. You Mean The World To Me
  172. You Taught Me Everything That I Know
  173. You Tell Me Your Dream
  174. You've Still Got a Place In My Heart
  175. Your Husband My Wife

Skeeter Davis (30 de diciembre de 1931-19 de septiembre de 2004), nacida como Mary Frances Penick, fue una cantante de música country estadounidense que cantó canciones de música pop crossover, como "The End of the World" de 1962. Comenzó formando parte de The Davis Sisters cuando era adolescente a finales de la década de 1940, y llegó a trabajar con RCA Victor. A finales de los años 50, se convirtió en una estrella en solitario. Fue una de las primeras mujeres en alcanzar el estrellato en el campo de la música country como vocalista solista, fue una reconocida influencia para Tammy Wynette y Dolly Parton y fue aclamada como una "extraordinaria cantante de country/pop" por el crítico musical de The New York Times Robert Palmer.​

Te recomendamos que visites todas las de letras de canciones de Skeeter Davis, puede que te enamores de alguna más que aún no conocías.

Suele pasar que cuando te gusta una canción de un grupo o artista concreto, te gusten otras de sus canciones. Así que si te gusta una canción de Skeeter Davis seguramente te gustarán muchas otras canciones de Skeeter Davis.

Las letras de las canciones de Skeeter Davis a menudo siguen ciertas pautas que puedes llegar a descubrir si te fijas bien. ¿Te animas a ver cuales son?

Para descubrir las pautas de las canciones de Skeeter Davis ello solo tienes que leer bien las letras de sus canciones, y fijarte no solo en lo qué dicen, sino en cómo están construidas.

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