¿Las canciones de Sonata Arctica te encantan? Aquí encontrarás las letras de las canciones de Sonata Arctica para que puedas cantarlas a todo pulmón, versionarlas o simplemente saber bien lo que dicen.
¿Ves la canción que te gusta en esta lista de canciones de Sonata Arctica?
- Still Loving You
- Tallulah
- Fullmoon
- Last Drop Falls
- Victoria's Secret
- My Selene
- Paid In Full
- The Misery
- Black Sheep
- In My Eyes You're A Giant
- Juliet
- Letter To Dana
- My Land
- Replica
- Shy
- Wolf And Raven
- First In Line
- 8th Commandment
- I Have a Right
- Still Loving You (cover)
- Destruction Preventer
- Don't Say A Word
- Don't Say A Word (Edit)
- Good Enough Is Good Enough
- Gravenimage
- In The Dark
- Love
- Peacemaker
- San Sebastian
- The End Of This Chapter
- White Pearl, Black Oceans
- Black Diamond
- Blinded No More
- Broken
- Demon's Cage
- Mary-Lou
- No Dream Can Heal A Broken Heart
- Out In The Fields
- Shamandalie
- Sing In Silence
- Tonight I Dance Alone
- Ain't Your Fairytale
- Alone In Heaven
- Closer To An Animal
- Cold
- Die With Your Boots On
- Draw Me
- Fade To Black
- I Was Made For Lovin' You
- Kingdom For A Heart
- Misplaced
- Storm The Armada
- The Cage
- The Elephant
- The Last Amazing Grays
- The Rest Of The Sun Belongs To Me
- The Wolves Die Young
- Unopened
- Weballergy
- What Did You Do In The War, Dad?
- Wildfire
- Wildfire, Part: II - One With The Mountain
- Wolf & Raven
- A Bit Lost
- A Little Less Understanding
- Abandoned, Pleased, Brainwashed, Exploited
- Among The Shooting Stars
- Apartment 54
- As If The World Wasn't Ending
- Blank File
- Blood
- Breathing
- Caleb
- Candle Lawns
- Champagne Bath
- Child In Time
- Christmas Spirits
- Cinderblox
- Cloud Factory
- Cowboys From Hell
- Crash & Burn
- Cravenimage
- Deathaura
- Don't Be Mean
- Dream Thieves
- Everything Fades to Gray
- Everything Fades To Gray (full Version)
- Everything Fades To Gray (instrumental)
- Excuse Me While I Kill Myself
- Fairytale
- False News Travel Fast
- Flag In The Ground
- Fly With The Black Swan
- Fly, Navigate, Communicate
- For The Sake Of Revenge
- Fullmoon (Edit)
- Gate Of Fear
- Half A Marathon Man
- Hell Is Living Without You
- High And Low
- I Can't Dance
- I Want Out
- I Want Out (cover)
- I'm Haunted
- In Black And White
- Intro
- Ismo's Got Good Reactors
- It Won't Fade
- Jam
- Jam (original)
- Land Of The Free
- Larger Than Life
- Le Téléfon
- Life
- Losing My Insanity
- Maamme Laulu
- Master Of Puppets
- Message From The Sun
- Metropolis
- My Dream's But A Drop Of Fuel For A Nightmare
- No Pain
- Nothing More
- Of Silence
- On The Faultline (Closure To An Animal)
- One-Two-Free-Fall
- Only God Knows
- Only The Broken Hearts (Make You Beautiful)
- Picturing The Past
- Prelude For Reckoning
- Reckoning Day, Reckoning Night
- Respect The Wilderness
- Revontulet
- Rise a Night
- Run To You
- Runaway
- Running Lights
- Shitload Of Money
- Silent Jealousy
- Silver Tongue
- Smoke On The Water
- Somewhere Close To You
- Speed Of Light
- Take One Breath
- The Boy Who Wanted To Be A Real Puppet
- The Day
- The Dead Skin
- The Dead Skin
- The Garden
- The Gun
- The Harvest
- The Last Of The Lambs
- The Power Of One
- The Raven Still Flies
- The Ruins Of My Life
- The Trooper
- The Truth Is Out There
- The Unit
- The Vice
- The Wind Beneath My Wings
- The Worlds Forgotten, The Words Forbidden
- They Follow
- Till Death's Done Us Apart
- To Create A Warlike Feel
- Total Eclipse Of The Heart
- Two Minds One Soul
- Two Minds One Soul (cover)
- Under Your Tree
- Vodka (Hava Nagila)
- Wanted Dead Or Alive
- We Are What We Are
- We Will Rock You
- Whirlwind
- White Pearl, Black Oceans (Part II)
- Who Failed The Most
- Wildfire (part III) - Wildfire Town, Population: 0
- World In My Eyes
- Wrecking The Sphere
- X-Marks The Spot
- You Won't Fall
- Zeroes
- Dark Empath
- California
- Clear Cold Beyond
- The Best Things
- Angel Defiled
- Teardrops
- Cure For Everything
- Shah Mat
Sonata Arctica es una banda finlandesa formada en Kemi en 1996 bajo el nombre Tricky Beans, que después cambió a Tricky Means, y finalmente a Sonata Arctica en 1999. Sonata Arctica ha experimentado diversos cambios musicales a lo largo de su carrera, primero con el power metal melódico fusionado con metal neoclásico después adoptando un power con elementos de metal sinfónico hasta el día de hoy. Su cantante Tony Kakko ha comentado influencias de bandas como Stratovarius, Nightwish, Helloween, Scorpions, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Queen, X Japan, entre otras citadas por el grupo en diversas entrevistas.
Es posible no seas un gran fanático de Sonata Arctica, tal vez te hallas aquí por una sola canción de Sonata Arctica que te gusta, pero échale un vistazo al resto, seguro que te sorprenden.
Te recomendamos que visites todas las de letras de canciones de Sonata Arctica, puede que te enamores de alguna más que aún no conocías.
Esperamos que te gusten estas letras de canciones de Sonata Arctica, y que te sean de utilidad.
A veces las canciones de Sonata Arctica nos sirven para expresar lo que pensamos o sentimos ¿Es tu caso?