Hemos recopilado todas las letras de canciones de The Avett Brothers que hemos podido para que quienes, como tú, buscan canciones de The Avett Brothers, las encuentren agrupadas en un solo lugar.
Encuentra aquí las letras de tus canciones favoritas de The Avett Brothers.
Aquí podrás conocer cuáles son las canciones de The Avett Brothers más buscadas.
- No Hard Feelings
- All My Mistakes
- I Would Be Sad
- Live And Die
- Winter In My Heart
- 40 East
- A Fathers First Spring
- A Gift For Melody Lane
- A Lot Of Moving
- A Lover Like You
- Ain't No Man
- And It Spread
- Another Is Waiting
- At The Beach
- Backwards With Time
- Bang Bang
- Bella Donna
- Beside The Yellow Line
- Better Here
- Black, Blue
- Bleeding White
- Bring Your Love To Me
- C Sections And Railway Trestles
- Closing Night
- Colorshow
- Dancing Daze
- Denouncing November Blue (uneasy Writer)
- Die Die Die
- Die Then Grow
- Distraction #74
- Do You Love Him?
- Down With The Shine
- Every Morning Song
- Famous Flower Of Manhattan
- February Seven
- Find My Love
- Fisher Road To Hollywood
- Four Thieves Gone
- Geraldine
- Gimmeakiss
- Go To Sleep
- Good To You
- Hand-me-down Tune
- Hard Worker
- Head Full Of Doubt
- Head Full Of Doubt/road Full Of Promises
- High Steppin'
- I And Love And You
- I Killed Sally's Lover
- I Love You Still
- I Never Knew You
- I Thank God
- I Wish I Was
- If It's The Beaches
- Ill With Want
- In The Curve
- Incomplete And Insecure
- It Goes On And On
- It's Raining Today
- January Wedding
- Jenny And The Summer Day
- Kick Drum Heart
- Kind Of In Love
- Late In Life
- Laundry Room
- Left On Laura, Left On Lisa
- Let Myself Live
- Letter To A Pretty Girl
- Life
- Living of Love
- Locked Up
- Long Story Short
- Love Like The Movies
- Matrimony
- Me And God
- Murder In The City
- My Lady And The Mountian
- My Last Song To Jenny
- My Losing Bet
- New Woman's World
- Nothing Short Of Thankful
- November Blue
- Offering
- Old Joe Clark
- Old Wyom
- One Line Wonder
- Open Ended Life
- Paronia In B Major
- Paul Newman Vs. The Demons
- Please Pardon Yourself
- Pretend Love
- Pretty Girl At The Airport
- Pretty Girl From Annapolis
- Pretty Girl From Cedar Lane
- Pretty Girl From Feltre
- Pretty Girl From Locust
- Pretty Girl From Matthews
- Pretty Girl From Michigan
- Pretty Girl From Raleigh
- Salina
- Salvation Song
- Sanguine
- Shame
- Signs
- Sixteen In July
- Slight Figure of Speech
- Smithsonian
- Smoke In Our Lights
- Solomon
- Sorry Man
- Souls Like The Wheels
- Spanish Pipedream
- St. Joseph's
- Standing With You
- Swept Away
- Swept Away (sentimental Version)
- Tales Of Coming News
- Talk On Indolence
- Tear Down The House
- Tell The Truth
- Ten Thousand Words
- The - Sss
- The Ballad Of Love And Hate
- The Day That Marvin Gaye Died
- The Fall
- The Greatest Sum
- The Lowering (a Sad Day In Greenvilletown)
- The New Love Song
- The Once And Future Carpenter
- The Perfect Space
- The Traveling Song
- The Weight Of Lies
- Those Green Eyes
- Through My Prayers
- Tin Man
- Traveling Song
- True Sadness
- Victory
- Walking For You
- Wanted Man
- We Americans
- When I Drink
- When You Learn
- Who Will I Hold
- Will You Return?
- Yardsale
- You Are Mine
The Avett Brothers son una banda estadounidense de folk rock y americana de Mount Pleasant, Carolina del Norte, Estados Unidos. La banda se compone de dos hermanos, Scott Avett (banjo, voz, guitarra, piano, kick drum) y Seth Avett (guitarra, voz, hi-hat) así como de Bob Crawford (contrabajo, violín) y Joe Kwon (violonchelo). Mike Marsh (batería), Tania Elizabeth (violín) y Pablo Defiglia (teclado, órgano) se unen, cuando están de gira, a los miembros de la banda.
Avett Brothers combina los géneros bluegrass, country, punk, pop, folk, rock and roll, indie rock, honky tonk, y ragtime para producir un nuevo sonido descrito por el San Francisco Chronicle como "la pesada tristeza de Townes Van Zandt, la luz del pop y la concisión de Buddy Holly, la melodía de los Beatles y la energía de los Ramones."
Para descubrir las pautas de las canciones de The Avett Brothers ello solo tienes que leer bien las letras de sus canciones, y fijarte no solo en lo qué dicen, sino en cómo están construidas.
Esperamos que te gusten estas letras de canciones de The Avett Brothers, y que te sean de utilidad.